Courageous Steps and Old Wounds Revealed

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Baris was sitting at his desk talking angrily with his wife, tapping on his desk making his point.

I know what I saw, Vera! If I hadn't walked in, that man would have kissed her! Right here in my business. Who does that? It just goes to prove my point. He's unprofessional. I don't get involved in the hiring around here but clearly I need to be! he raged on.

Calm down, Baris, they'll hear you! We've given the staff enough to gossip about lately, Vera said as she looked around.

Talk to her, Vera. Either you do this your way or I do it mine! This can't happen. When I spoke to Julian's parents the other day, they said he was still very upset that she broke things off with him. And they loved the idea of what it could mean for both families if there was a...he said, but was cut off by his wife.

If there was a marriage, Baris. That's what you wanted to say, right? This is not a business deal. I told you that already. Leyla and especially Sanem, would never go for such a thing. Sanem is creative, a dreamer. I can see that now. I can assure you that she's wanting the true love, Prince Charming, happily ever after story not a mutually beneficial union, Vera said as she leaned in closer to speak quieter.

Waving his hand as if to dismiss her, Baris answered, True love, Prince Charming. It's a ridiculous notion.

Hurt by his reaction, Vera answered as she got up to leave, Some people actually do believe in that, you know? I once did a long time ago...

Vera, I didn't mean anything by that, he said, his voice growing softer.

Vera! he said louder as she strode purposefully out of the office.

Rubbing his head, he knew he would have to make up for that mistake. Picking up the phone, he called his usual florist and ordered a huge bouquet to be delivered to her later that day.

Vera headed to her waiting town car and closed the door telling her driver to take her to her daughter's house. Only then did she allowed the tears to fall. Her memories flooded back as she rested her head on the backseat.

She had fallen madly in love with Baris when she was just about Sanem's age. He was handsome, worldly, and yes, very very rich. His family was one of the richest in Istanbul. They were from old money. In a lot of ways, Vera knew she couldn't fault Baris for his ways. He had never known anything except great wealth.

Back then, Baris had his pick of women to marry but he chose her. They were in love and planning a future together. Or at least that's what she believed until she overheard their fathers talking about the financial and business benefits of a possible union.

She had grown to hate the word.

It had broken her heart to hear her father speak about her as if she were mere property and a good financial investment. And then as she was walking away from his office that morning, while home on her last break before graduating from university, she heard the words that set the tone for her and Baris' future.

Is Baris on board for this...union? her father asked.

Stepping closer to hear his answer, she held her breath and her heart fell when she heard it.

Yes, he knows what he has to do for our business to succeed, Baris' father answered.

Coming back to the present, Vera wiped a tear away. It had been many years since she allowed the pain of that realization to enter in. She had wanted to end the relationship, going as far as telling him what she had overheard. He denied it, blaming his father but she knew. It made sense to her why he had chosen her over so many others. When she told her mother that she didn't want to go through with it, she was told that she didn't have a choice.

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