Albatross Sightings and Boxing Matches

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Mrs. Melahat! What are doing? Sanem screeched.

I saw you in a strange car and wanted to be sure you weren't being kidnapped or anything, the nosy neighbor answered. She didn't seem too concerned about Sanem's safety, though, since her eyes never left Can.

Sighing heavily, Sanem explained, This is Can Divit. We work together, Mrs. Melahat. I'm not being kidnapped. Can, this is our neighbor, Mrs. Melahat.

Can leaned over Sanem and held out his hand. It's very nice to meet you. I'm sorry that I caused you concern. 

Can's smile and dimples melted the heart of the woman and she blushed like a schoolgirl while Sanem rolled her eyes. 

Can Divit strikes again, she thought.

Well, it's nice to meet you, too, Can. I'll have to get Sanem to bring you over for tea sometime soon, she cooed.

Sanem's jaw dropped at what she was witnessing. Recovering, she said, Yes, of course. Soon, soon, Mrs. Melahat.

Waving goodbye with a wink in Can's direction, she headed home, fixing her hair as she walked.

I CANNOT believe what I just witnessed! Sanem exclaimed, shaking her head and glaring at Can.

What?? he asked with his head tilted and a smug smile.

That!! She has never asked a strange person over to her house for tea! I've barely ever been to her house. She hates people! Sanem said incredulously.

Well, what can I say? I seem to have a way with people, he answered, laughing at Sanem's reaction.

Yeah, you have something, that's for sure, she mumbled, smirking.

Listen, let's look over this quickly so I can let you head home, Sanem said, not knowing what else to say.

Oh, alright. I, I, ah will take part of the file and you the other and then we can switch, Can offered, not sure how to get her back in the place where she was before being disturbed again.

It was clear he would have to orchestrate something to get her alone to tell her that he was her Albatross. And it had to be a grand gesture, of that he was sure.

Finishing up, Sanem said she would text Deren and give her the changes, thanking Can for bringing the paperwork.

It was my pleasure. I loved meeting your family and spending time with all of you. They're really wonderful, Can said with a smile.

Yes, they're amazing. Well..good night, Can, Sanem said as she put her hand on the door handle.

Holding his hand out as if to shake hers, Can kissed her hand when she put it in his.

Good night, Sanem, he said as he looked longingly at her.


Aziz answered his phone as he was preparing for a customer coming in to have some portraits done.

Hello, Divit Photography! How can I help you? he answered as he walked around.

Hello! My name is Nehat Aydin from Fikri Harika. Is this Aziz? he asked as Mevkibe listened nearby.

Yes it is! You must be Sanem and Leyla's father? How are you doing? It's so nice to hear from you, Aziz answered.

Yes, I am. I'm doing much better, thank you for asking. Sanem and Leyla enjoyed meeting you for the photo shoot recently. I wanted to thank you myself for helping us out that day. I'm sorry I wasn't well enough to call sooner. But I'd like for us to stay in touch now that you've worked for us. I think we can use your service in the future, if you're interested, Nehat said, motioning for Mevkibe to wait.

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