Misunderstandings and Apologies

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Author's Note:

I absolutely loved the comments from the last chapter! Your enthusiasm definitely has me revved up and ready to keep writing!

What did you think of my twist for the dance in the pink dress? That was another of those scenes I wish had been different in the series. I loved that Can got to dance with her instead of Fabri in my version!

So at this point in the story, Can knows that he's Sanem's Albatross that kissed her but she doesn't. She now knows that he's her Can from school but he doesn't. Getting interesting, right!?!

And I love the ideas on what or who is behind the missing money at the publishing house! You're all great detectives.

Ready for the next chapter? More secrets are revealed...


Wait. What? Sanem has a boyfriend?? Can whispered loudly, not believing what he was hearing.

That bombshell detonated not only in his mind but his heart, which thud with the impact.

Y-yes. Apparently they've been together for a few years. I heard that her grandparents really liked him when they met at the anniversary party and would love nothing more than to see them married. Although I hope that wouldn't mean she'd have to move to California. Paris was far enough away, Cey Cey mumbled as he walked away, a little afraid of Can's explosive reaction.

Can stood there speechless. He was shocked, devastated, hurt.




Why wouldn't she have said something to me? he thought frantically.

He felt like a total idiot. Here he was practically dreaming about their future together and she wasn't even free! He hadn't even admitted it to himself that he was falling in love with her but he knew he was.

How could he have missed the signs? He thought back with his perfect memory of every time they were together and shook his head. 

Nothing. Nothing in how she acted or anything that she said led him to believe that she was on her way to having a fiancé. How could he have been deceived so thoroughly? How could she have done that so easily?

Oh wait. 

That night in the private theatre box. Sanem had grabbed him and kissed him. She wasn't expecting him. She was expecting someone else


She was meant to be kissing Julian that night. 

 He realized that night that she must have been waiting for someone else. That was obvious. But having found out it was real hit him hard. It was one thing to think there was some random guy out there that the kiss was meant for, but putting a name to him stung worse than he could have imagined.

His heart did a somersault in his chest and his breathing became labored.

That beautiful night. That passionate kiss. It wasn't for him. It was for a man that she had been dating for years and was on the way to being his fiancé. Did she not know who she was kissing?

Can thought about what Cey Cey had said. Her grandparents met this guy Julian that night and loved him. He was probably wealthy too. Probably some big shot from California.

Of course they would want someone like Julian for Sanem. 

Remembering the look of utter disgust on their faces that night when he went up to her and her grandparents offering to help, made Can physically wince.

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