Connections and Stolen Moments

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Wait a minute! Are you, are you saying that you're Sanem from Istanbul International School?? Can exclaimed, his eyes taking her in as if he was seeing her for the first time.

Yes, Sanem whispered, letting it all sink in deeper for them both.

My Sanem? he asked, his voice lowering to a just above a whisper.

She felt that question move through her mind and heart like a warm blanket on a cold day. Knowing they referred to each other in that same way made her heart thud in her chest.

Can, I, I kept feeling this intense familiarity with you, almost instantly. There was something that just kept nagging at me but the day you bandaged my knee, you said that you went to school in the mahalle, so I knew you weren't my Can, she said, sitting down on the seat for fear of falling.

Then I ran into Coach Ferit recently and he told me the last name of the boy I had a crush on, she continued, smiling shyly and blushing.

It wasn't until the day we were talking after that big fight with my grandfather that you mentioned about being in a private school for a short time that it was all confirmed. I've been trying to find the right time to tell you but I wasn't sure if you'd even remember me, she said, watching his expressions change several times.

What are you thinking about, Can? I can't read your face, she whispered, wondering what was going through his mind as her eyes scanned his face. It was a mixture of confusion and awe.

I just, I just can't believe this. Sanem, I was so crazy about you back in school. I watched you all the time, was so impressed with you and your courage. You flipped your hair once and I nearly ran into the bleachers one day. Remember you, Sanem? I've never forgotten you, he confessed with a chuckle.

Can, I felt the same way. I have never felt that..that...

Connection...they both said simultaneously.

Yes, connection, she said, nodding her head quickly.

They sat in the silence for a moment, each of them nervous but excited. Can broke the silence as he continued.

And then I met you, Sanem. Again. First here in this room and then later on at the office. Every time we spoke, I found out more and more about you. I've never felt this way before either, Can said as he scanned her face.

Can, why did you wait so long to tell me? I told you over a week ago that I had broken up with Julian, she asked, looking at her feet.

He hated that she brought up Julian. That his name even passed through her beautiful lips. The pain of knowing that kiss was meant for Julian and not him was unbearable.

Can grabbed her hands and held them in his, saying quickly, Sanem, we, we are from two very different worlds and it's obvious that your grandparents don't like me. At all. You had just had a terrible shock with their revelation. I didn't..

I don't care what they think. They have no more say in my life. But..I do think it's best to take this slow. This is so much to process. My dad and his health, Paris, and now these discoveries. It's..wonderful but just...a lot all at the same time, you know, she answered, looking to see his reaction.

Are you saying you just want to be friends? he asked, praying that wasn't the case.

Well, I do want that, Can. I mean, I want to get to know you better but I think we both know we're past that, she answered, blushing.

Can's face split in two with a huge grin as he kissed the back of both her hands.

Sanem, I know we should do what you're saying, but I just need you to know that I want to scream it from the rooftop of this theatre! I want everyone to know how I feel about you! he said as they both laughed.

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