Being Alone Together and Hammocks

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Sanem laid in bed with a smile on her face, hugging the comforter to her neck and giggled like a school girl. She felt 13 all over again, dreaming about the handsome and kind boy from school. 

Can. Her Can.

She had recently started using the term to explain to Leyla and Ayhan which Can she was talking about when Can Divit came into her life. And now she didn't need to do that anymore.

Can Divit was her Can.

Letting that thought take over her mind, her heart started to beat faster. 

Of course, she had meant that Can Divit was her Can from school but the thought of him someday actually becoming hers, brought on feelings she had never had before.

Can Divit was a man above other men. She was shocked at how deeply she had started to feel about him in such a short time. He was kind and thoughtful, handsome but humble. He loved his family. He knew who he was and wouldn't let others, like her grandparents, make him feel less because of their narrow ideas. He was talented, creative, open.

Blowing out a breath, she closed her eyes as she thought about the butterflies that burst into flight every time he was near. He was definitely flirting openly with her now but she wasn't sure what it all meant. And it always pulled her off kilter because he was more than just handsome. He was stunning, gorgeous, breathtaking!

She was also keenly aware of their difference in stations of life but it didn't seem to bother him and it would never concern her either.

But it would concern my grandparents, she thought with a scowl.

How demeaning they had been with him. She was so proud of herself for standing up for him. She would never let them do that to him again if she had anything to say about it. If their relationship blossomed into something more serious in the future, she vowed she'd never let them get between her and Can. Their interference in her life was over.

Shaking her head, she chuckled at how far she had gone in her thinking. She and Can knew that she would be leaving soon and she had already seen what a long distance relationship looked like and its challenges. She was getting way ahead of herself.

Can wanted to be a writer and she wondered if he was currently working on anything. She would love for Deren to help him pursue that goal once she left for Paris. 

Maybe I could ask him if I could see some of his work, she thought. 

The thought of leaving was getting harder and harder for her. Not only because of her dad's health but also because of Can. He was an unexpected addition to her life, she realized, but she wanted to pursue this dream. . 

Staying just wasn't an option. She had dreams, plans. She had to do this for herself or she knew she would regret it later. She wasn't sure what it would all look like now that she and her grandparents were not on good terms, though. 

Sanem had assumed that her parents were paying for her education up until the last few days and was now glad that the entrepreneur program came with a scholarship because of her excellent grades. She would have to find a roommate and at least a part time job to help her live there, though.

She thought about how she had missed the truth about her grandparents and school. Fikri Harika was the top publishing house in Istanbul so she assumed that her father, having such a high position, was compensated enough to have taken care of her and Leyla's schooling. She thought about the trips around the world that she and her sister had gone on with her grandparents. Sanem knew that her grandparents paid for all of those but had no idea the extent of their financial dealings with her family.

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