Offers and Decisions

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Baris was sipping on a small glass of whiskey when he saw Sanem walk into the cafe. He was seated outside where they could have a little more privacy.

He waved to her when she looked around for him and stood up to greet her.

Good evening, Sanem, he said as bent down to kiss her on the cheek but she recoiled. Frowning from that reproach, he sat back down.

Hello, Grandfather, she answered as she sat down.

You wanted to see me? How can I help you? he asked, picking up his glass again.

I, I wanted to talk to you about some news that we've gotten about my father. It's cancer. Stage 4. He starts chemotherapy in a few days, she said, gauging his reaction.

Baris nodded his head and said, I'm very sorry to hear that, granddaughter. I know you must be taking this news hard.

Tilting her head to one side, Sanem thought it strange that he didn't seem surprised.

Hard? We're devastated, Grandfather. Anne hasn't stopped crying and Leyla and I aren't sure what to do to help. It's why I'm here, she said cautiously. 

You're here because you need my help, then? he asked, his expression difficult to decipher.

Yes, that's why I'm here. I want to ask if you could loan me the money to help him through this. Then once I go through the program in Paris and start my business, I can pay you back. It wouldn't be charity. It would be a loan. One that I would pay back with interest when I get things off the ground, she said, swallowing her pride.

Baris was surprised at her suggestion. He wasn't sure what she would say but that wasn't what he expected.

So...will you help me? she asked again, wanting to get this over with. This would remain between the three of us, of course. I'm sure Grandmother knows about everything as well.

Baris sat his glass down and straightened in his chair, looking at her intensely.

Sanem, you have the potential for so much more than a little perfume company. What will you do with your life with such a small dream? Do you really see yourself in some factory in Paris churning out little creams that you make from dried up flowers? This is a waste, granddaughter. I saw the fire in your eyes at the Ball when you heard what Julian's father said. You can channel that into becoming a great leader, he said, wanting her to understand what he saw in her.

Sanem's face grimaced as she listened to what he was saying.

Grandfather, I'm sorry that you see my dreams as little and inconsequential but I can assure you that the "fire" you see in me will be the catalyst to make me a great business owner. Do you really still have delusions of me taking over your business? Don't you know me at all? she asked, getting angry.

I don't need to know you, Sanem. You are a Furkan! If you don't like the publishing house, I'll name you as CEO of any of my other businesses here in Istanbul. You are young and naive but there is so much potential in you. I've spent years grooming you for this, putting you in the best schools, making sure you got the best professors, getting you into the most beneficial classes. Why do you think I'd do that? Because I believe in what you can be! he said, his voice getting louder as a few people turned their way.

Sanem sat there stunned. What was he saying? That what she had accomplished was not on her own merits? Had he been in the background all this time manipulating people. No wonder some of her professors were so hard on her. She had to fight for their approval because her grandfather had paid the university to get her into classes that were near impossible to get into. 

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