Making Memories and Finding New Friends

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When Can's phone rang late that night, he jumped up and lunged for it knowing something must be wrong.

Seeing Sanem's name, he answered quickly, already out of breath from worry, Sanem! Are you alright? 

She was quietly sobbing and whispered, Can, I don't know what to do.

Sanem, are you at your parents' house still? I'll come to you. Just give me a few minutes to get dressed. I'll text you when I get there, he said quickly as he turned on the light.

Ok, she whimpered, sniffling some more.

Can grabbed for some jeans and a shirt, slipping on his shoes without bothering to look for socks. He made a grab for his keys and wallet as he flew out the door and to his truck.

Pushing his hair back, he glanced at the clock. He didn't realize it was 3 am. He stifled a yawn and drove as quickly as he could.

When he got close to the house, he texted Sanem that he was 2 minutes away.

He looked up when he parked the car and saw her standing in the doorway in her robe. She had been crying for what seemed like hours, evidenced by her tearstained face.

Bebek, askim...he whispered as he held her and led her back to the truck not caring what Melihat might think.

He slid in next to her and drew her into himself and let her cry, as he smoothed down her hair and kissed her forehead.

I'm here, Sanem. I'm here. Tell me when you're ready so I can help, he whispered, making sure she felt safe and protected.

After a long while, she took out her favorite bandana from her pocket and wiped her face with it. In any other situation, he would have teased her about stealing it again but not tonight.

Oh Can, I feel so helpless. The doctor called earlier to give us the news instead of waiting for the appointment. It's stage 4 and a very rare cancer, she said, her words punctuated with sobs.

Bebek, I, I'm so sorry. So very sorry. I know that's not what you wanted to hear. What are they saying can be done? Can asked, as he held her tighter.

Taking a breath and looking up, she answered, We will start with chemotherapy but it probably won't be enough. The good news is that it is contained and hasn't spread. But he said there is an experiment drug trial and fortunately it's available here in Turkey, she explained, wiping her eyes as she spoke.

Well, that's good news, askim. When does he start that? he asked, his eyes brightening with hope.

That's the thing. It's very expensive. Almost $20,000 a month for the medicine and all that would go with it. Can, we don't have that kind of money. Anne wants to sell the house. Leyla put together a financial plan, because she is..well..

Leyla, they both said in unison.

She choked out a sad chuckle. 

Yes, she is. But baba got very angry and said he would never allow it. Any of it. He said it would kill him to think that we would be left with nothing if this drug trial didn't work. With the ways things are with my grandparents, he felt there was no guarantee they would help us if that happened. But I was thinking. Maybe I could talk to them. Appeal to them as human beings. Borrow the money if I needed to until I could go through the program and start my business, she said, her words choppy and almost unintelligible.

Sanem, I know that you want to help but you know better than I do, what it would mean if you brought them back into your life, right? he asked, his thoughts rolling all over the place.

Can, I'll do anything, anything to help my dad live! I don't care what part of my future I'd give up. I don't know what else to do, she said loudly, her face flushed and in anguish.

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