Hospital Visits and Deja Vu

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After the applause died down and the lights were turned back on in the theatre, Julian stood up, bringing Sanem with him into a tight hug.

Sanem, you look lovely, he said as he admired her dress. I have been counting down the days until we were together again. It's been too long!

Leaning in to kiss her again, she abruptly said, Oh, let's go meet my parents before they get caught by all the clients, leaving him awkwardly pulling back away from her. 

She felt guilty about not wanting to kiss him again but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

Oh, okay, baby. Lead the way, Julian said with a curious look. He worried that maybe she didn't like his new look.

Thank you again for coming all this way, Julian. It was very sweet of you to do that, she said, as she led him down the stairs and into the theatre.

Well, you know I didn't come for the presentation, right? he said with a smile. I came so we could talk and our future.

Sanem laughed nervously and continued on until they approached her parents. Why did he say that? They had never talked about their future together before.

They had been close to being intimate several times but Sanem always ended it before it got too far and he never pushed. But he had to admit that he was hoping that this grand gesture would possibly change things for their relationship. 

He wanted to get her alone after the event so they could talk. His intention was to tell her that night that he wanted to move their relationship onto the next level, which was making them more of a priority. If intimacy followed, he would be thrilled with that possibility but he would wait for her as long as she needed.

They never solidified anything about a future together after he went back to California and he wanted to rectify that on this visit. He wasn't ready to propose but he wanted to see her more than just a few times a year. He believed he was in love with her but he didn't know how she felt about him as they had never said the words before.

Taking her hand as she walked up to greet her parents, he intended to make a statement that he wanted to be someone of importance in her life to them.

Anne, baba, this is Julian Stevens. Julian, these are my parents, Mevkibe and Nehat and my sister Leyla, Sanem said as she made the introductions.

Smiling and telling him how nice it was to finally meet him, they all made small talk about his visit.

I can only stay for 4 days but I intend to spend as much time as I can with my lovely girlfriend, Julian announced, kissing her hand and looking into her eyes.

Sanem blushed and told them some of the places in Istanbul she wanted to show Julian.

Listening to her list, Leyla added, Oh and you have to see the Blue Mosque. It's a must!

Great! I'll add it to my spreadsheet, he said with a smile, grabbing his phone.

Looking back and forth at each other with a confused look, Sanem said, Oh, Julian likes to keep a spreadsheet of the important things he wants to do. 

She didn't quite know how to explain his quirky ways to them.

Ahh, Ok, I see, Nehat said, not knowing how to respond and looking at Mevkibe pleading for help.

Putting his phone back in his pocket, Julian added, Yes, you see, I have my whole year planned out day by day on a spreadsheet. I guess its the scientist in me. I like everything in its place and in order.

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