Sanem's Perfume Dreams and New Beginnings

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Mevkibe was waiting for Sanem in the school parking lot and wondered why she was running.

Everything ok at football practice, canim? she asked.

Yes, anne. I was just ready to get home, Sanem said, trying to hold back the tears.

Running up the stairs, Sanem called Ayhan as soon as she got into her room, telling her to hurry over, that it was important.

Ayhan arrived 10 minutes later on her bike, which she let fall in the Aydin's front yard as she rushed through the front door. Seeing Mevkibe in the kitchen on her way up to Sanem's room, she waved and greeted her but then pretended she didn't hear her ask if she parked her bike this time.

Mevkibe rolled her eyes and chuckled at Ayhan. She was such a good friend to Sanem. She was loyal and true and came from a good family. Leyla and Sanem had a close relationship as sisters but Leyla was always very serious where Sanem was more carefree. 

Ayhan was a great match for her but even more of a tomboy then Sanem, which worried her from time to time. But she knew it wouldn't be long before they were wearing dresses and getting attention from boys. Hopefully not too soon, she thought.

Sanemsie! What happened? she exclaimed when she opened the bedroom door

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Sanemsie! What happened? she exclaimed when she opened the bedroom door. Her friend had definitely been crying.

He's gone, Ayhan. He left the school and the team. Just disappeared, Sanem answered, heartbroken.

Are you serious?? Why would he do that? What could have happened? she asked with as scowl.

I don't know but I can't believe he didn't even come to say goodbye, Sanem said with a sniff.

To you or to the team? Ayhan asked with a smirk.

Glaring at her friend, she answered, Both! I mean he's not my boyfriend or anything but I thought something happened the other day between us. All I know is that I really liked him and I thought he liked me too, Sanem said solemnly.

Did you tell any of this to Leyla? she asked quickly.

No! I trust her but not with boys. We've never talked about them and I'm not sure if she will tell my mom. So keep it between us, ok? Sanem asked, knowing her friend would never betray her trust.

Abla, do you think you fell in love? Ayhan asked, holding Sanem's hand.

Love? I don't know? What does love feel like? she asked, shaking her head.

I have no idea, abla. Neither of us have even kissed a boy much less fell in love, Ayhan said with a sigh.

If this is love, Ayhan, I don't want to feel it again, Sanem said sadly as she laid on her bed and looked at her albatross poster, wiping the tears. She wished she could fly away right then and there.


About 4 years later...

Saaaneemm! You're going to be late for your own graduation! Mevkibe bellowed.

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