One Kiss in the Dark and Two Lives Changed Forever

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Can walked to his truck, having said goodbye to his strange work mate, but that name kept playing in his head like a favorite song. 


It was a fairly common name so he just smiled at the memory and decided to put it out of his mind. Cey Cey had told him where he could rent a tux last minute in town. Picking one up, he headed home to get ready for the party. A party he really didn't want to attend.

Emre and Osman had pretty much moved out a few days before but they both had some things still left at his apartment. Can looked around and realized his brother must've gotten ready at his new place. Rushing to change, he wondered how long he would actually have to stay. It was going to be an horribly boring night and all he could think of was getting out of that monkey suit and relaxing at home.


Sanem got in the car with Leyla as they headed to her apartment to get ready. Mevkibe had dropped off the gowns for Sanem to try on there before she and Leyla went to the Opera House. They were all going to meet there a little early for the event.

Abla, tell me what's been going on? Is baba doing ok? He looks really tired, Sanem said as they drove.

Really? I guess since I see him every day I didn't notice. Although he did mention that he's been having trouble with his stomach lately but I didn't think much of it. He's been putting off going to see a doctor. Maybe you can convince him to just get checked out, Leyla answered as Sanem nodded in agreement.

Sanem decided to drop the subject for the night if her mom hadn't mentioned anything and Leyla wasn't overly worried about her dad. She would make it a point while she was there to get him to go see the doctor before she left again for Paris.

And how are anne and baba doing? she asked, hoping that the connection she saw the last few times she was home was a good sign.

Sighing heavily, Leyla said, Well, you and I have talked about this often, abla. Some days they look as far as east is from the west and other days they seem much better. I definitely see a difference when Grandmother and Grandfather are away for awhile. They always seem closer then. 

There's got to be more there, you know? Why are they so much in our business, Leyla? They seem to think they have some right to be in our lives so intrusively. I told that to anne today on the way from the airport and she clammed up like she was upset. I just can't sit around and watch them continue to drive a wedge between them and have so much say in our lives, Sanem said angrily.

I understand and I agree. I feel badly that they said those things to you at the graduation. In some ways, I got off easier because I knew I wanted a career in finance and working with them meant being able to work with baba and it just felt right, Leyla answered, looking at Sanem for a reaction.

Don't even think about that, abla. They won't drive us apart also with jealousy. If they bring it up again, though, I will tell them where their place is when it comes to my life! she said emphatically.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, Sanem decided to lighten the mood.

So, you mentioned last week that your assistant...Emre, right? cute? Sanem asked, teasing her sister.

Laughing, Leyla answered, Yes, he's very cute. But he's a few years younger than me and I'm not sure if he has a girlfriend or not. He just started a few weeks ago and all I really know about him is that he's great at his job and his brother now works for us as well.

Ok, well I look forward to meeting him. And you said his brother's name is Can? Sanem asked.

Yes, he's very handsome too but in a very different way. Kinda rugged and outdoorsy. Emre seems more comfortable in a suit. Why? Leyla asked, looking over at her as she drove.

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