Chapter 5: The world under the snow (1)

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Lin Yiyang was very familiar with the neighborhood and quickly found the store.

A very simple shop, a palm-sized place, a glass cabinet on the right is connected to the checkout counter, a few small shelves on the left, with peripheral products, dozens of hemp rope bags, filled with brown coffee beans, all have Handwritten on white cardboard.

There was only a young couple in the store, also picking beans.

They were pointing and talking softly against the white wall above the sack, on which were the names, origins and flavors of the coffee beans. The girl in the couple picked one, put it in the boy's mouth, and let him taste it.

Lin Yiyang picked two pills and put them in her palm. He pointed to her mouth.

"Try it," he said.

She shook her head, put the coffee bean into her lips obediently, bit it, and chewed it gently.


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Originally wanted to taste the food carefully, but Lin Yiyang kept looking at himself, gradually chewing slowly, and becoming more and more uncomfortable. He seemed to have sensed her thoughts, looked away, took two sweet and sour berries from the burlap bag next to him, and stuffed them into her palm.

Yin Guo took it and held it in the palm of his hand, not embarrassed to try again this time.

After the two couples left, there were only three customers left in the store. She and Lin Yiyang were on the coffee beans side, and her cousin was in the last row of the shelf, picking out gifts.

Yin Guo was not used to trying beans, so she took out a tissue, spit out the scum, and clenched it into a ball in her palm.

All this was seen by the man beside him.

He pointed to the small corner on the left side of the counter, motioning her to the trash can there.

Yin Guo lost the paper ball and listened to him ask himself, "What does your friend want?"


Just now, she wanted to study how to read it, look it up in the dictionary, and ask the clerk when she knows how to read it. Lin Yiyang saved her by asking such a question.

Yin Guo showed him the names, and he called a clerk over and pointed at a few bags of coffee beans. The clerk smiled and chatted with him, and Yin Guo listened, saying that these are the best sellers.

When going to the settlement, Lin Yiyang raised his right arm and looked at his watch.

Yin Guo immediately said: "You have to be in a hurry, hurry up, I have bought it anyway."

He had looked at his watch several times when he came out of the coffee shop.

First, I rushed there in a hurry, didn't eat lunch, and wiped out the coffee and panini, and brought them here. Although I didn't say it, it made people feel that everything was in a hurry. It is estimated that they came from Washington. .

"Make an appointment when you are free?" He also knew that he couldn't delay any longer.

Yin Guo nodded.

Lin Yiyang didn't say much nonsense, he pushed open the door and walked out.

Through the glass, Yin Guo saw him crossing the road without taking a taxi. He should have gone to the nearby subway station.

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