Chapter 17: Rolling Red Dust (3)

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Lin Yiyang didn't stand up straight, in order to match her height.

He tilted his head and smelled the perfume on her chin and neck, light, sweet, fruity. People are very tired. The train takes nearly four hours, plus the time spent on the train, bus, and subway. It takes about six or seven hours for a one-way trip.

It takes 12 to 3 hours to go back and forth every week, which is almost enough time to fly back to China.

Close your eyes and your hearing will be more sensitive.

He heard people in the ball room still discussing the game between him and Meng Xiaodong. Some people even became interested and asked the temporary referee for the rules of snooker, trying to play a game.

The boss rummaged through the disc that Lin Yiyang had copied for him, and played a song called "Friendship Years".


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The boys of Lin Yiyang's generation were the last ones to be influenced by Young and Dangerous Boys, and they were touching their tails, so when they were working part-time, out of selfishness, they got all the movie episodes for the boss.

He listened to the song and put the lighter in his right hand in his trouser pocket.

in the music,

Someone asked: Lin's private room is empty anyway, can it be used?

The boss replied: They said it first, no one will use it except his girlfriend.

Yin Guo felt that his chin was going to rest on his shoulders.

"Can you hug?" he asked in a low voice.

She was soft-hearted when asked, but she still said deliberately, "No."

The sound is very light.

He heard her tone, smiled, and tilted his head to look into her eyes.

If the eyes can burn people, then Lin Yiyang has done it.

There were two young people behind them, talking and laughing, walking from the corner to the room.

Because Lin Yiyang and Yin Guo were leaning against the door on the left, they deliberately took half a step to avoid them. It's a pity that the entrance is not wide, and the two young men are tall and big, so it is inevitable that they will meet. Yin Guo felt that the heel of her shoe was kicked by someone, so she politely took a small step forward. This time, it really depends on him.

Lin Yiyang smiled: "No, are you still leaning on me?"

Even so, the right hand is still doing nothing.

The wind was blowing on her face and hair, cool.

"It's too narrow here," Yin Guo quickly withdrew his hand.

She turned around to look at the dining car: "How about... eat hot dogs?" Staring at the boss for a century, she always had to take care of the business.

Sweaty palms. It's his, and it's his own.

Lin Yiyang saw that the little girl's face was about to hang on, she stood up straight, and called the boss's son, asking the child to take out his clothes. They were sent out immediately, as if they were hiding behind the door, waiting for this trip.

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