Chapter 11: The scenery after the snow (2)

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Yin Guo washed the dishes and cut them into plates, but there was no meat slices, and meat sausages were used instead.

The hot pot is powered on, and the hot water boils.

Lin Yiyang came here by train. He was running around on the road, his body was dirty, and he took a hastily shower. This is his place of residence in New York, so naturally he will always keep a few pieces of sportswear, and after changing into the sportswear, he walks behind Yin Guo. Wearing a full set of sports uniforms, the person is thin and the face is white, but he looks like a good student.

He pondered for a moment, and guessed that Yin Guo was looking at his arm. In fact, the pattern is neither exaggerated nor full, most of which are on the inner side of the right arm. Just maybe for girls... maybe exaggerated.


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So, although he felt awkward that his sleeves were stuck on his wrists, he restrained the thought of rolling up his sleeves.

The man sat down to her right.

After a second of silence, the two spoke at the same time.

"What do you want to eat first?" Yin Guo said.

"Would you like a drink?" Lin Yiyang said.

"Pick what you like," he replied.

"Bar," she answered at the same time.

The two stopped again, and suddenly both laughed.

This smile, on the contrary, dissolved the delicate atmosphere.

"I'll get it, you'll get the food." He left the seat, returned with the wine, opened the bottle, and filled his glass.

The mouth of the wine bottle hung over her glass, asking for her opinion: "How much?"

"Fill it up," she replied, "I'm a good drinker, and the first time I cleared the stage with one shot, I was drunk and beaten."

Lin Yiyang laughed again.

It was the first time someone said in front of him: I drink well.

The wheat-colored liquor filled the glass, but she was paying attention to the person pouring it.

He's so pretty when he smiles. And there is a big difference between laughing and not laughing, like two completely different people, when not smiling, handsome is handsome, but difficult to get close to, there is a feeling of being careless and looking down on others; when laughing, he is like a big brother next door, then The younger sisters are chasing after the big brother.

That night, two people ate hot pot. When the water boils, put the vegetables, and when it is cooked, be polite and humble.

Later, Yin Guo enjoyed his meal, and would put his chin on his hand and look at him to speak. Because he had drank a few sips of wine, from time to time, he spoke with a big tongue, and he couldn't get around the words in his mouth.

Lin Yiyang shook the glass, stared at her, and from time to time, he raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass.

Those who drink well, have a big tongue before finishing a bottle.

And he, with at least six empty bottles at his feet, was still awake.

In the second half of the meal, there was a strong wind outside the window, and the branches were blown into an exaggerated arc. It's snowing again.

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