Chapter 4

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- Not Well -

After PE, you decided to meet with Bella, the two of you want to go somewhere before going home. You're waiting for her by her car, annoyed by how long she's taking. She's not even in sight!  Finally, what felt like forever, Bella came and she looked happier then usual.

She excitingly came to you and told you she has to tell you something but it needs to be said in the car, you were curios so you opened the door and she came in straight after you. "Dude. I over heard Janis and Damien." Bella starts, leading you to be interested in whatever she was going to say, which you were. "Yeah and..?

"Janis likes you!" Bella said loudly, first you're eyes went wide, and you started to panic, "What! No she doesn't.." You said, Bella shook her head, leaning closer to you, "She does. I heard her." You now just had to think of what happened today, you did catch her looking at you, maybe this all makes sense. "Well.. Do you like her?" You hear Bella ask, she was still really close to you.

"I-I don't know I would have to think about it," You say quietly, making your best friend roll her eyes, "This is the perfect way to move on from Regina." You turn to look at her and hit her lightly in the shoulder, "What? No, that's fucked up, I'm not going to play with her feelings." Bella sighs, nodding, she puts her key in the car, turning it on but before she starts driving, she turns to you, "Well try and think about it."

That's exactly what you did when you and Bella went out, you went to get ice cream and walk along the beach and you knew Bella was taking to you but everything she was saying was going in one ear and out the other. You were physically with Bella when she was driving back to your house, but you were mentally somewhere else. "Y/n!" You jump at the loud sound, turning to where you heard the noise come from, you see Bella, she moves her head showing that she was parked outside your house.

"Oh shit, sorry," You said, unbuckling your seat belt, giving her a hug. "Good luck for tonight." Bella says, smirking, you roll your eyes, getting out of the car, waving goodbye to Bella as she drives off.

As soon as you open the door you're surprised to see Gretchen standing there, talking with her two best friends. "Oh hey Y/n." You hear your sister say, you whisper a small "Hi,"  Quickly walking past to get up stairs, but before you can make it up there you get a notification on your phone.

You pull your phone out, you see that it's from Oliver, telling you that he will be there to pick you up at you smile slightly, when you put it away you notice all the plastics are standing there, staring at you with smirks on their face. "What..?" You ask, "Someone's happy, is it a boy?" Gretchen asks, slightly teasing you, you giggle, nodding your head. "Yeah It is."

Regina smirks, walking towards you, "Who?" You slightly feel intimidated by her height and how close she is to you, backing up slightly, you whisper, "Oliver, Oliver Kim." The three girls look at each other and jump up and down, "Right, we will get you ready." Gretchen says, dragging you upstairs into her room, she was about to start putting your makeup on but Regina shoves her out of the way.

She begins to add a lot of things and tells you to do things like put your lips a certain way, close your eyes or don't blink, "Done." You hear her say, finally. "Now, we do your hair," You sigh, feeling forced to do this for a guy you don't want to be with, Regina curls your hair and when you look in the mirror you don't look like yourself, you look older and very different.

"I have the perfect outfit for you!" She smiles, running down to get you an outfit, leaving you sitting there with Karen and Gretchen smiling behind you same came out holding a black dress, it was strapless and looked to be around mid thigh length, throwing it at you, she told you to put it on. You heavily sighed, walking into the change room to put the dress on.

When you came out the three girls were still sitting there, cheering for how good you looked, "You actually look pretty, what time is Oliver getting here?"  Regina asks, "Six." You answer, she checks the times smiling when she see's it's almost six. "I have perfect shoes for you!" You hear Gretchen yell, she runs off, coming back with some heals.

They are black heals and they look like they would add a few inches to your height, you put them on, looking at yourself in one of Gretchen's many mirrors, you try to pull the dress down slightly, you hear a knock on the door making the other girls scream. "I'll let him in!" Regina says. She rushes down stairs and opens the door, "Y/n will be right here." Regina says, stepping to  the side when she see's you walk down the stairs, he smiled at you, waiting for you to walk down. "You look pretty Y/n."

You smile at him, "You look, handsome." He holds your hand, taking you to his car, you may not like him but he for sure is being a gentleman, he opened the car door for you, he pulled the chair out for you, it made you slightly feel bad for not wanting to do anything more with him. You were looking throw the menu, wondering what looks good, but your mid was else where, you were trying to figure out if you liked Janis or not.

The two of you had a decent time, some parts where awkward but other times were okay, but you felt bad and wanted to tell him the truth, you opened your mouth to speak but he spoke. "I'm going to be honest." He started, you listen to him, "You're sister asked me to ask you out." You smile but not to the point where he noticed, "Oh that's fine, I actually have my eyes on someone else." You say.

He smiles, "Well, I'm done eating, do you want me to take you home now." You shake your head, "Could you take me to my friends house actually." He smiles, nodding his head.


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