Chapter 20

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Leighton was so happy that she finally could call you hers, and now that you were out, you could happily walk around the school with her arm wrapped around your waist, holding you closely. The feeling of being able to openly show affection for each other in public was a relief after keeping your relationship a secret for so long. Leighton's smile never left her face as she proudly introduced you as her girlfriend to everyone you passed.

You were walking to math class, and your eyes went wide when you walked past Regina. She smirked, looking you up and down. You could feel Leighton tense up besides you, her grip on your waist tightening slightly. You quickly looked away, not wanting to engage with Regina's obvious attempt to provoke a reaction.

You finally made it to math class. You sat next to Leighton like you always do, but she pulled you into her lap, holding you possessively. She kissed your neck from time to time—nothing too much; she just left kiss marks on your neck.

As the teacher began the lesson, you tried to focus on the material, but Leighton's affectionate gestures distracted you. You couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for her presence and protection in that moment. You would chuckle at the sensation of her lips tickling your neck as she kissed you.

Leighton's playful affection made the math class more bearable, and you found yourself looking forward to her sweet gestures throughout the lesson. Despite the distractions, you managed to absorb enough of the material to keep up with the class. Leighton's love language always managed to brighten your day, even in the most common of settings.

She really loved physical touch, which was perfect because you also loved it, so you spent most of your time together touching each other (not in that way).

Her simple acts of affection were a reminder of the joy she brought into your life. The class finally ended, and now you had English. Sadly, Leighton wasn't in your class, but she decided to walk you to your class. She saw that Regina was already in the class, and she kissed your lips, making sure that Regina saw her do it, which made Regina roll her eyes.

As you walked into English class with a smile on your face, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Leighton's unexpected display of affection. The playful kiss served as a reminder of the bond you shared, even in the midst of school drama.

You walked into the class, and you still needed a bit of help on the English assessment, so you decided to sit next to Regina and ask her for some more help on the test.

You sat down, and your heart started beating faster when you could see the smirk on her face, but you brushed it away because you knew you wanted to be loyal. She leant over you when helping you again, and you knew she wanted to kiss you, but you couldn't allow that to happen.

You needed to be loyal to Leighton; you were dating her, so you needed to make it clear to Regina that whatever was going on between the two of you was over. Regina's flirting made you uncomfortable, but you remained focused on getting the help you needed for the test. As you thanked her for her assistance, you made sure to maintain boundaries to respect your commitment to Leighton.

"Regina." You say this, and she looks into your eyes and nods her head, waiting for you to talk. "We need to end this." That was all you said, and you can see the way her face turns from happy to angry.

"Ugh! Because of that Leighton chick?" Regina asks, rolling her eyes. You nod your head and focus back on studying. Regina doesn't like the fact that you are ignoring her, so she makes you look at her by slamming her. hand on the table. "You can't just end things like that," she says firmly, her voice tinged with hurt, but she is quiet so no one else around can hear.

"I thought we had something real." You take a deep breath, knowing that it's time to stand your ground and stick to your decision.

"I am in a relationship." You admit, which only gets Regina more annoyed. "And? Who cares? We both know I'm the better kisser." You gasp and look at her, shaking in dismay at her audacity. "That's not the point," you reply, trying to remain calm despite the situation escalating quickly. "I need to be true to myself and my partner."

Regina rolled her eyes, getting up again and standing up, leaving you there. "Fine. Good luck with the English test." She said that after getting up and leaving, you were left alone there, and you let out a sigh, knowing that you just had to focus on studying for the test tomorrow and the date with Leighton tomorrow.

You go home and have a good night's rest after studying your ass all night. The next day, you wake up feeling prepared for both the test and your date. As you walk into class, you can't help but feel a sense of determination and confidence. The test was really hard and you didn't even get to finish it, you felt as If all that study was for nothing, you left the class as soon as the bell rang, crying because you were so overwhelmed.

"Y/n!" You hear Leighton yell, you wipe your tears then turn around, smiling when you see your girlfriend, "Oh my god? Are you okay?" she asks, giving you a hug and kiss, you nod your head before saying, "I am okay, I just failed my English test though." You say with a frown on your face.

She pouts, tightening her grip on you, "You spent a lot of time studying baby, I'm sure you will do amazing." She says, kissing your forehead, you smile at her, thanking her for her kind words, "We have a date tonight! And you also have a song to write."

You look at her with a confused face, "Karen told me you wanted to be apart of the talent show so I signed you up, I'll be playing guitar for you." Leighton smiles.

Dammit Karen.


Sooo exited for autumn holidays! Only 4 days away! I will have free time and will be able to write more!

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