Chapter 22

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- Regret -

You felt as if someone was watching you as you read the text. You sighed. You had no idea what to do. The feeling of unease lingered, causing a shiver to run down your spine. You glanced around the room, searching for any sign of movement.

She was only asking you to go to her house; there was nothing wrong with that; it could be much worse, and you would do nothing, so you decide to go to Regina's house at 1 in the morning.

You quietly get out of bed, making sure not to wake up anyone. You get into some more appropriate clothes for riding your bike. Then you had to quietly go downstairs, making sure not to wake anyone up.

You opened the door slowly, cringing at the sound it made. You sighed in relief when you successfully made it outside.

You ran to your bike, not being bothered to put your helmet on; you just left, hoping that you could remember where her house was. Your memory was a bit fuzzy from being half asleep. As you pedal through the quiet streets, you feel a sense of freedom and excitement for the adventure ahead. You arrive at Regina's house, grateful that you made it without any issues.

You lean your bike against the wall of her house and go up to the front door. You were about to knock, but then you realised that it was late and you didn't want to wake anyone up. You decide to send Regina a quick text instead, letting her know you've arrived. As you wait for her response, you take a moment to appreciate the peacefulness of the night. You feel a sense of anticipation for the fun night ahead with your friend, or whatever Regina is to you.

Hey Regina, I am here.

Okay, I'm coming down now.

You wait for a few minutes until she comes down and opens the door. You see that her face was red, and it looked like she had been crying when you first made eye contact with her. "Regina? Are you okay?" You ask, and she rolls her eyes and nods her head, ''I'm fine. Come in" She says, moving out of the way to let you in. You walk in, and you notice how empty the house is. "Is everything alright? The house seems really empty," you comment, trying to break the tension. Regina lets out a sigh and admits, "I just needed some time alone. Thanks for coming over."

"Needed time alone? I thought you said you were okay." You question, and she nods her head. You frown, and she giggles, saying, "I'm kidding. My parents went on a crusie, leaving me here; they will be gone until January." She confessed, making you frown, "Oh, I'm sorry, so you will be alone for Christmas?" You ask, and she rolls her eyes. "Don't be sorry; I'd rather be alone." She admits this, which makes you feel more sad.

You know there is something she is not telling you, and a small part of you wants to know what it is.

She walks up her stairs, and you follow her up to her room. A painful feeling is all you feel when you are in the room where Regina used you and where she hurt you. You push the feeling away and

"So, why did you ask me over?" You ask. Sit on her massive bed. She sighs, laying down on the bed next to you. She was wearing her pyjamas, just grey sweet pants and a loose white top. She had no bra on. Not that you were looking, but you could tell.

"I invited you over to tell you the truth about your girlfriend." She says that, sitting up to touch your leg, you moved away from her touch, not wanting her to do anything that you didn't want to happen. "I appreciate your honesty, but I'm not sure what you mean about my girlfriend," you respond cautiously. She looks at you with a serious expression, her eyes searching yours for a reaction.

Regina leans closer to you, a bit too close for your liking; it makes you lean your head back; you can't move because if you moved anymore, you would fall off the bed. "She's a lair." She whispers, and you frown, shaking your head, "What? What are you saying?" You ask in shock. She nods her head, frowning slightly.

"I was suspicious, and I did some research, and it turns out she's been lying about everything." You stand up, looking at the blonde in shock. "Is this some sort of jealousy issue?" You ask, and she rolls her eyes. "I'm not jealous! I'm just trying to look out for you!" She exclaims, standing up.

You roll your eyes in response. "Then why are you telling me these things? You want Leighton and I to break up!" You yell in her face, and she steps back, "That's not what I want." She says quietly, and you roll your eyes. "Then what do you want?" You ask.

She grabs her hand and says, "I don't want to see you get hurt." She confesses, but you don't buy it. You look into her eyes and say, "Right? Like, I'm going to believe that? You were the one who used me as if I were some toy." You remind her, and she steps back, looking down. "Yeah, you don't understand. I will explain." She starts to say it with tears in her eyes, but you cut her off.

"Don't; let me explain for you. You're suspicious because you don't want anyone to know you are lesbian, and your parents don't love you and never want to be with you! And honestly? I don't fucking blame them!" You yell, not even processing what you just said to her. You gasp when you realise what you just said, due to the change in her body behaviour, so you calm down, quieting down your voice, saying, "Regina- I'm sorry."

"You don't know anything. Please Leave." She says quietly, cutting you off, but you don't leave; you feel bad, and you want to make things right with her. You try to apologise, "Leave!" She yells, voice louder then you have ever heard it go, you were scared, you apologised again and left quickly, hoping that she would forgive you one day.

You fucked up.

What if Regina wasn't lying.

And if she wasn't, what was Leighton lying about?


Unexpected from the title "Regret" ?


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