Chapter 13

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Most of Y'all will recognise half of this chapter, It really starts to get heated here omg.

As you hang up the phone, a pit forms in your stomach. The thought of going to Regina's Halloween party brings back memories of the embarrassment and humiliation from the last party. You start to dread Monday morning, knowing that you'll have to face Regina and her friends at school. The fear of reliving that same nightmare makes you wish you could just disappear.

The rest of the week ends. You try not to think about the party in a few weeks. You're just scared to go to school. Everyone knows you are lesbian. You just need to figure out who runs the account You can't shake the feeling of being exposed and vulnerable, and the thought of facing Regina's clique only adds to your anxiety. 

You spend hours trying to piece together who could be behind the account but come up empty-handed. As the days pass, the dread of Monday is over you the whole weekend, you don't even get to enjoy it.

The morning arrives, and you hesitantly make your way to school, the burden of the secret Instagram account heavy on your mind. As you walk through the halls, you feel eyes on you and whispers following in your wake. The fear of being outed consumes you, making each step feel like a mile.

When you first walk into school, you feel everyone's eyes on you. You hide yourself and decide just to go straight to class.

In class, you try to focus on the lesson at hand, but your mind keeps drifting back to the mystery of who could be behind the account. Was it someone from Regina's clique? Or maybe someone you least expected? The uncertainty gnaws at you, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable.

During lunchtime, you sit alone at a table in the corner, avoiding eye contact with anyone who passes by. You can't shake the feeling of being watched and judged for who you are. The anxiety builds within you like a storm ready to break.

After school ends, you head home with a heavy heart, dreading the next day when you'll have to face them again, and again, you have to avoid yourself from everyone.

You can't talk to Bella because of what she did, and she is sitting with Charlie and Jennie, so you can't sit with them either, so you just sit alone because Oliver hasn't been at school the last few days.

As the Halloween party approaches, the tension at school only seems to intensify. The stares and whispers from classmates make you feel even more isolated. With Bella's betrayal still fresh in your mind, you find yourself sitting alone at lunch, avoiding eye contact with anyone. The thought of facing everyone at the Halloween party fills you with dread, but you know you can't hide forever.

A large part of you doesn't want to go; another part just wants to go to see what all the hype was about. Also, Gretchen wasn't letting you stay home; she forced you to come. You were dressed as the devil, wearing a red satin dress with a black lace design. You also wore red devil horns to finish up the look.

When you walked inside Regina's large house, Gretchen dragged you away, leaving you alone. You sighed, walking around the house to get a drink.

You grab a drink and turn around, bumping into someone walking the other way. Your eyes go wide when you notice who is in front of you. It was her, the queen bee; she looks so good in her costume, and in some ways, you were matching.

She was wearing an angel costume, and you were wearing the devil, but if you were to think about personalities, it would be the other way around.

She looks down at you with hungry eyes, pushing past you to get herself a drink. You roll your eyes and walk somewhere else, talking with people along the way. You were leaning against the wall, holding your red solo cub, a few boys decided to come up to you.

"You're really pretty." One of them said, You awkwardly laugh, hoping it would change the conversation, but it didn't. The other boy put his hand on your waist, and you started to feel very uncomfortable.

"Um, can you please let go?" You said, with an awkward tone, that the other guy buts his hand on your back and moves it down to grab your ass. You gasped, being speechless and not knowing what time it was. You quickly moved away from them and said, "I don't want to do this."

The two boys look at each other and laugh. One of the boys said, "We know you're a dyke." The other one nodded, saying, "We were just trying to make you normal again." You have been through this many times—so many times when the whole situation became normal to you—but it still hurt.

You turned around to leave, but a familiar voice came from behind you, making you turn around. "David, Carson." Regina said with bitterness as she moved to stand next to you, "I don't remember inviting you so the two of you can leave."

"Oh, we didn't mean—" They tried to come up with an excuse: "Save it! Leave." She snapped, and the boys quickly ran off. You were about to thank Regina, but she grabbed your hand and rushed you upstairs before you could.

She took you into her room, leaving you confused. (You weren't complaining, though.) She sat you down on her bed and looked at you up and down. "Your outfit is cool." She said, smiling, reapplying her lipstick. You nervously smile, feeling intimidated by the beautiful woman in front of you. "So, is it true?" Regina asks.

You give her a confused look, standing up, then asking, "Is what true?" She laughs, "Is it true that you're a lesbian?" You were taken back by the question; you knew that she follows the account and she already knows the answer so you weren't going to get away with lying so you take a deep breath and say, "Yes. It's true." 

Regina moved closer to you, grabbing your face and saying, "Perfect." She pulled you in for a kiss. Passionately moving her lips against yours, she shoves her tongue inside. After a while, she pulls away, and the biggest smile is on her face.

For a second, you thought, maybe you weren't delusional; maybe your crush actually liked you back, and you could start dating her and happily tell all your friends, thinking this, you say. "Wow, that was." You begin to talk, but Regina cuts you off.

"Pathetic, you're fucking pathetic." Regina said, giggling. You couldn't help but let the tears fall through. You felt so embarrassed and ashamed. You rushed downstairs, and you pushed past Gretchen, who looked concerned.

You called a taxi and decided you didn't feel like going home; you just wanted to go to a club. You took your devil horns off so your outfit seemed more suitable for a club. You walked in, deciding to order a cocktail. You put your hands in your face, feeling abandoned and broken by what Regina George did to you.

You felt someone sit next to you. You turned to look at her, and she smiled at you, asking, "Rough night?" You sighed, nodding your head. She giggled. "What's your name?" You smile back at the girl, saying, "I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n, what's yours?"

"My name is Leighton, Leighton Murray."


Gimmie your ideas on who you think runs the account? 

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