Chapter 8

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- Confused -

Having a closested girlfriend was harder than Janis though, she knew it was going to be hard but she didn't know it was going to be this hard. Despite the feeling inside her, all the moments she shared with you brushed away the feeling. It was late at night and the both of you couldn't sleep.

You were tossing and turning in your bed, unsure of the time, it felt like you have been trying to fall asleep for hours, you reach out for your phone that is sitting on your bedside table, when you turn it on, your eyes squint at the bright light, you quickly turn the brightness down. Opening up your phone, you scroll until you get to Janis contact, you let out a loud yawn before you start typing.

"I can't sleep, are you still up?" you send it and you honestly didn't expect her to see it, so you turn your phone off and close your eyes, but only a few minutes later, you hear your phone vibrate, you quickly pick it up and check what the notification was, you smile brightly when you see it was from your girlfriend. "Yeah I'm up baby, only because I have this art project due, what are you doing up?" You smile at her reply, blushing at the pet name. "I can't sleep."

She saw the message instantly and was typing her response right away, "You should sneak out and come over." You smile, the idea sounded amazing, it was Sunday tomorrow and your parents were away for the weekend, so it was perfect.

The only thing that was making you hesitate to go was you knew that your sister would be nosey about it, she would definitely spam you with messages wondering where you are, the more you thought about it, the more you didn't care, you messaged her saying that you'll be there in 20 minutes, which gave you enough time to get up and quietly go downstairs, get on your bike and ride to Janis' house.

Janis told you to climb through the bedroom window, luckily, her bedroom was on the bottom floor, you knocked quietly on the window, shortly after a happy Janis opened the window, allowing you to climb inside.

When you get inside, the two of you jump on her bed, holding each other close, you finally feel tired and you can feel yourself falling asleep, it only felt like a few minutes had passed but when you opened your eyes, the sun was out and janis was still asleep with her arms wrapped around tightly around you, pulling out your phone, you gasp and jump up when you see the time.

It's 12pm and you have twenty messages from Gretchen and many missed calls, you kiss Janis' forehead, not wanting to disturb her, you climb out the window, hopping on your bike and quickly pedal home. When you get there, Gretchen is death glaring at you, "Where were you?" she asks, sternly, you roll your eyes again, saying nothing you just stand there. "Don't lie to me, just tell me."

You know Bella wouldn't cover for you, as you had figured out from last time, you take a deep breath before saying, "I was out will Oliver." You hoped that if Gretchen called Oliver, he would cover for you, Grtechen smiled brightly and squealed loudly, jumping up and down. "Oh my god! That's amazing! I'm going to call Regina." She runs off to her room and you quickly pull your phone out.

You call Oliver and thankfully he picks up right away "Oliver, I had to pretend I was with you last night so if Gretchen or anyone asks, please say I was with you." Olivier laughs before saying, "Y/n. Calm down, of course I will." He says, making you sigh in relief, "Why do you need to lie about where you were?" Your heart drops, you gulp, "Reasons, thank you so much."

You go upstairs and lay on your bed, scrolling on your phone through every social media app, you hear a knock on your door then it instantly opens, "I'm going out with Regina so tell Mom and Dad where I am," She says, not looking up from her phone then leaving and not closing the door.

Around 30 minutes after she left, you got a message from Bella, "Hey Y/n, I was just wondering if you could send me the notes for Chem? You're much smarter than me." You giggle quietly, responding with, "Yeah sure but you owe me." She leaves you on seen for a few minutes, then starts typing for a few more. "Can I ask you a question?" She asks, "Yeah sure, what's up?" Bella starts typing again and it feels as if she is typing for ages. "Are you and Janis dating?"

You smile at the question, she is the only person you are out to so you feel comfortable telling her, "Yeah." You respond, you smile when Bella responds. "I knew it! Omg that's amazing."

You switch to text Janis telling her that you told Bella about your relationship, she said that she was proud of you, she asked if she could tell Damien, you sighed loudly before saying, "Yeah sure." She started spamming random letters in all caps, showing that she was excited, you knew Damien would judge you but you were still feeling very worried, you were scared.

You put your phone down and lie on your bed, you think about what it would be like if you came out, how your own sister would disown you, how everyone in the school would laugh at you.

The thought made your stomach drop, you laid on your stomach and shoved your face into the pillow, hiding the scared feeling inside you, you just cried and the tears never stopped, you eventually feel asleep.

You woke up to the sound of your Mom yelling your name, she was telling you to come downstairs because dinner was ready, you pushed yourself off your bed and quickly went to the bathroom, you washed your face and applied a bit of makeup so your parents don't question anything.

After dinner you went straight up to your room and went straight to bed, this night, you fell quickly, you slept way better than last night, you wake up the next morning to the sound of you alarm, you grown realising it's a school day, you check your phone first thing, you know it's an unhealthy habit but you just can't help it.

You were confused when you saw it's a message from Regina, you opened your phone and you gasped at the message, she had never texted you before, she had never even messaged you before and you didn't know how she got your instagram account.

"Party at my house on friday, you're invited, don't bring anyone lame." You don't know how to respond, you start typing slowly, there's only one thing that comes to mind, "Where's your house?" She takes a few seconds to respond, "Are you dumb? Gretchen will drive you." You actually forgot, you did feel really dumb for forgetting.

You leave her on seen for a few seconds which she hates. So she sends another message, "You should bring Oliver." You sigh, you know you have to act like you like him, you can tell him it's all an act and you're sure he will understand, "Yeah Okay."

She smirks, leaving you on seen this time.

This was the start to everything that happened this year, the butterfly effect.

slow burn, sorry whores

if you get this to 200 votes ill give you guys an alternate ending to "Loving you differently" in my Reneé Rapp Imagines book 

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