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- I realised that I added a lot of OC's and there are a-lot of characters for this book, so i will make a page listing the characters -

This will be updated if i add new oc's but these are the current ones and current characters that i plan to add/already have.


Y/n Wieners


160cm, Bottom. Closeted Lesbian


Regina George

You're future girlfriend (maybe)

170cm (175cm with the docs), Top!!!, Unknown


Gretchen Wieners

You're nosey but loving sister

158cm, Switch leaning Bottom, Unknown

Karen Shetty

Just one of your sisters friends

172cm, Bottom, Closeted Pansexual


Janis 'ImI'ke

Your first committed relationship, what will happen?

158cm, Top, Lesbian


Damien Hubbard

A friend of your first girlfriend, but also a friend of yours

180cm, Switch, Gay


Cady Heron,

The new girl that you end up building a friendship with. That may backfire

160cm, Bottom, Bisexual


Bella Christiansen

You're best friend

165cm, Top, Straight 


Charlie Murphy

One of your friends

167cm, Bottom, Straight


Jennie Jones

Another one of your friends

162cm, Top, Unknown


Oliver Kim

You go on a date with him once, it doesn't work, days later you form a friendship

178cm, Switch, Gay


Aaron Samuels

He is just there but he's still important

182cm, Top, Straight


Leighton Murray

A girl that makes hell break loose in North Shore

170cm, Top, Lesbian


(NEW!) Jessica Freeman

Nothing, You just fucking hate her.

157, Bottom, Straight

Massive Deal; Regina George x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now