Chapter 10

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- Unwanted Kiss -

It was finally the day you have been having mixed feelings about all week, It was Friday and you didn't know whether you were excited for the party or you just wanted to find out why Regina would invite you, I mean, you have never interacted with her, she has never looked you way and suddenly she is inviting you to her party. 

The whole situation was confusing and you decided to not think about it until after school because you have a chemistry exam today, a group task, you didn't know the groups until you got there, you just prayed you wouldn't be with Janis because she still wasn't talking to you, even though it's almost been over a week.

You decided just to wear something comfortable, throwing on whatever you could find out of your closet, you ended up wearing some grey baggy tracksuit pants and a blue singlet, shrugging your shoulders and walking down stairs to get some breakfast, Gretchen walked downstairs with the biggest smile on her face, you looked at her with a smirk, pouring the cereal into your bowl. 

"What made you so happy?" you ask, she didn't answer, she just opened the fridge and grabbed some milk, making herself an iced latte, "Gretchen!" You said loudly, making the girl jump and look up.

She Didn't say anything for a few seconds, it took her a while for her to finally realise what you asked her, "It's none of your business." You roll your eyes, starting to eat your dry cereal because she had the last of the milk.

 "So you can ask be questions but I can't ask you anything," Sitting down at the table, you look at her with an annoyed expression, the brunette giggles, nodding her head, "Yes, because I'm older." She said with a smug look on her face, her answer made you roll your eyes.

Gretchen's eyes shot up when she heard the loud honk of Regina's car, she started to leave but then she looked back, "You coming?" You were about to shake your head but then you felt your phone vibrate, you looked down and saw it was a message from Bella, opening it assuming it was her saying she was on her way but she was actually saying that she won't be coming because she was sick. So you not your head at Gretchen, she slightly smirks and waits for you to leave so she can close the door behind.

Everytime you see the girls drive, Grtetchen was always in the passenger seat, so you move to sit in the back seat on the opposite side of Karen but Gretchen beats you to it, you spend a few seconds looking at the car in confusion, you didn't know whether Greatchen was going to move over or you could sit in the front so you just awkwardly stood there and waited for something to happen. 

Regina was getting annoyed, she turned around to make eye contact with you and said, 

"Get in, Loser."

You put your hand over the back door handle and she shakes her head rapidly, "God no, sit in the front." You don't bother arguing with the Queen Bee, so you just nod and quickly walk around the car and hop in the front seat. 

When you were pulling up into the parking lot, you saw Janis and Damien get out of the bus, your heart stopped beating and you just prayed they wouldn't see you. They were crossing the road as Regina was about to park, she beeped the horn which made them look at the car, Janis made eye contact with you and you have never seen her this mad before, you gulped and drank some water, hoping it would make you feel better.

Spoiler Alert, it didn't and you spent the whole day worrying about you and Janis, luckily, you weren't paired with her in the chemistry assessment but you were paired with some himbo who never shows up to class and had no idea what he was doing so you had to do all the work. 

A part of you wanted to speak to the teacher about it because it would be unfair if the both of you got the same grade but then the other part didn't want to be that bitch. 

The whole day went extremely quickly, and you were just getting more and more nervous for this party. Luckily for you, your sister is plastic and she promised to help you get ready.

Gretchen kept to her promise, she started helping you get ready the second she got home, she was so excited for you to go to your first high school party, she got you a new outfit and everything. 

It was quite revealing, it was shorter than the dress she got you for the date with Oliver, but you felt pretty, you were starting to feel less nervous and more excited for the party, and Gretchen was very excited for you, she decided to take you a little earlier because she needed to help Regina set up.

When you get to her house, no one was there because it was way too early, Regina's mom was getting drinks and putting speakers around the house, you felt a little awkward as the only people currently there were people really close with Regina, people like Karen, Gretchen of course and Aaron Samuels.

A few hours later, people finally started showing up, the music was loud and there were a lot of people. You felt slightly overwhelmed but everything else was okay. The only bad thing was Oliver never showed up, which made you look really bad to Regina, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Someone yelled, a few people came around, sitting down in a circle in Regina's backyard. There was Regina, Karen, Gretchen, Aaron, and a few others that you can't remember because you were slightly intoxicated. "Regina!" Karen exclaimed first, the people turned to look at the blonde and back at Karen, waiting for her to speak up, "I dare you to take your shirt off."

Regina didn't even hesitate, she took it off and exposed her black lace bra. You tried your hardest not to stare because you were loyal to Janis but they were right in front of your face, How could you not? "Y/n." 

You heard the thick harsh voice of the Queen Bee, you looked up, the tall blonde girl licked her lips, "I dare you to kiss Aaron." There was a moment of silence in the group of people, you nervously played with your fingers, "Uh.."

Regina pulled her chin up to make you look into her eyes, turning your face to the side so you could face Aaron. "Oliver isn't here, It's all okay."

Before you could say anything, you felt his lips on yours, and a gasp from a few people and the sound of someone taking a picture, you pushed him off and looked towards where that sound came from, you saw Jessica, who was giggling and your heart dropped and you started to breath heavily, you stood up, leaving and didn't hear what went on after you left.

"Oh my god! Delete that!" Gretchen yelled, Jessica rolled her eyes and shook her head, "No way," She stopped laughing when she felt the blondes glare on her, nervously, she looked up, when she made eye contact with Regina, goose bumps formed on her arms and her blood ran cold. "Leave."

That was all she had to say for Jessica to run up and leave.

You were currently in a taxi, you asked for him to take you to Janis' house, hoping to break the ice between the two of you, and to tell her what happened at the party.

You knocked on her door, she opened not long after and she looked mad, "Janis." You start but the other girl cuts you off, "Save it. I know what you did." You looked at the shorter girl with a look of confusion, before asking, "What do you mean?" Janis rolled her eyes, taking her phone out and showing you the picture of you and Aaron kissing.

"No! Janis, He kissed me!" You yelled, defending yourself but Janis rolled her eyes again, "Save it. I knew you were just pretending to be lesbian, I mean, look at you." You look at her in shock, tears were fighting to fall out of your eyes, you wanted to say something but Janis beat you to it, "I guess it's just because you're no better than your sister."

You didn't even want to defend yourself, you felt hurt by her words, you just stood there and looked at her with tears in your eyes. "I'm not even mad about you cheating, I'm mad about the fact that you lied to me." 

You were surprised, you thought she was mad, even though you didn't cheat and you weren't lying, if you were her, you would be mad about the kiss.

"First of all, I didn't cheat." Janis rolled her eyes which made your blood boil, "Second of all, Why aren't you mad?"

Janis opened her mouth to say something but then you heard another voice coming from inside her house.

"Baby? Who is at the door?"


Theories on who the girl is?

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