Chapter 9

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- Betrayal and The New Girl -

You didn't know what to do, you were stuck and confused, you didn't know whether to tell Janis about the party or keep it a secret. The situation makes you annoyed and groan loudly as you finally get out of bed, putting on some comfortable clothes then heading to school.

All your friends were happy, they must have also been invited to the party as well, everyone was discussing who they are going to bring to the party and you gulped because you remembered you would have to ask Oliver.

You leave your friends and look around the school to find the guy, you see him talking with a few other boys that are on the football team, you walk up behind him, tap his shoulder making him turn around.

His face goes from confused to happy in a matter of seconds, "Dino!" He exclaims loudly, giving you a hug, you giggle at the taller boy's actions, pulling away from the hug, looking him in the eye, "I need to talk to you about something."

He waits for you to start talking but you were slightly embarrassed to say it in front of Oliver's friends, so after a short moment of no one saying anything you say, "In private." He nods, grabbing your hands to move somewhere where no one can hear you.

"Regina invited me to her birthday, and asked for me to bring you." You whisper, you expect him to be annoyed, but he just nods his head and gives you a hug, "I'll come! when is it?" He asks, you smile brightly, feelings changing instantly, "Friday!" you exclaim, "Fine. I'm still waiting for you to talk to Damien by the way.."

You gasp slightly, you already forgot about the agreement that you made with him, Oliver rolls his eyes, hitting your arm softly, you giggle and run away, the taller guy chances after you, running around the oval, you don't really look where you are going, you accidentally bump into someone, you look up from the ground to see who it is, you smile when you see that it's Janis.

"Janis!" You exclaim happily, giving her a hug, which she returns, smiling just as bright as you, "Hey baby." She says softly, not wanting to give anything away to anyone that could be watching, "Wanna go on a date this Friday?" You gulp, you smile, saying it the nicest and least suspicious way possible, "I'm busy this Friday." Janis gives you a confused look in return, you gulp nervously again, not saying anything, "Really? Doing what?" She asks, biting the inside of her cheek.

You want to lie so she doesn't get mad, but the way she is looking at you makes your body tremble and the truth comes out of you, "I'm going to Regina's party." You whisper, Janis looks at you in shock, you know what Janis did to Regina, but you still decide to pick her over you, she shakes her head and storms off, you feel a few tears form in your eyes and the worst part of this is that you can't tell anyone.

You don't know how to feel, you want to run after her but you were too scared, you just sighed and went to class.

There was a new girl in your class, you smiled when you saw she was wearing a bisexual pin on her bag, you decided to sit next to her because you can tell she looks very lost. "Hi I'm Y/n." You smiled, she turned her head up to look at you, pushing her strawberry blonde hair out of the way, smiling back at you.

"Hi, My name is Cady." She smiled shyly, you smiled back at her, taking a look at her timetable, telling her that you will show her around but she says it's okay because someone is already doing that for her.

"Really? Who?" You ask, She sighs deeply, not being able to remember the name of the girl, "Oh she has dark hair, kinda short and beautiful make up." You smile brightly, knowing who it was and you nod your head, "Janis?" You ask, Cady's eyes go bright and she nods her head quickly, your smile quickly fades when you realise Janis was still mad at you, you brush it off and put your focus towards the teacher.

The whole school day, you try to talk to Janis, but she ignores you, it hurts even more to see her acting touchy with the new girl. They were both out and rumours started to spread fast, they didn't seem to be bothered by them which only broke your heart more.

You made up your mind, you were going to talk to Janis, no matter how hard she tried to ignore you, it needed to be done.

You walk to her table when she was sitting with Cady, she was playing with her hair so she was too distracted to notice you and walk away, you quickly made your way to her and taped her shoulder to get her attention, she turned around and ass soon as she made eye contact with you, she rolled her eyes, it hurt to see her like this but you brushed it off. "I need to talk to you." You say, voice firm, Janis knew you weren't fucking around anymore.

The two of you went into a closet, a few minutes after each other so no one saw, she looked into your eyes and it was obvious how mad she was. "I don't understand why you are so mad!" You exclaim, Janis rolls her eyes, looking at you up and down, "Maybe because my girlfriend chose some plastic over her girlfriend." She exclaims, pushing you slightly, moving to leave.

"You're the one touching Cady and acting like no one thinks you are dating!" Janis rolls her eyes, "You're being a little dramatic right now." She starts, opening the door, she looks back at you, "Have fun at your stupid party." Then leaves, you feel so empty, so stupid, you wait a few minutes before leaving yourself, head down, tears fighting to fall down, you end up bumping into a tall figure which makes you annoyingly groan, "Oh my god! Can you watch where you are going?" You finally look at who you bumped into and your heart drops when you realise it's none other than the Queen herself.

"F-Fuck, I'm sorry Regina." You say, looking down nervously, you hear a low chuckle come from the taller girl, she lifts your chin up to make you look at her, you felt so guilty for having butterflies in your stomach but you couldn't control it, "See you at the party, loser."

Sorry if its a bit slow for yall but hehe

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