Chapter 23

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- Hospital -

You had so many questions running through your mind.

The uncertainty of the situation lingers in your mind, making you question everything that has transpired. As you reflect on the events, you realise the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of your actions.

You leave her house with tears running down your face. You didn't mean to go that far, and you know that you messed up. The weight of your mistake sits heavy on your chest as you walk away, wondering if there's any way to make things right. The guilt gnaws at you, a constant reminder of the pain you've caused.

Your vision became blurry, and it was dark. You find yourself lost in a sea of regret, unsure of how to navigate the aftermath of your actions. The darkness around you mirrors the heaviness in your heart, leaving you feeling utterly alone and consumed by remorse.

You were riding your bike without a helmet, so you couldn't see where you were going, and all of a sudden your front wheel stopped, and you lunged over your bike.

When you opened your eyes, the first thing you felt was a massive amount of pain. Then you opened your eyes, and the first thing you saw was your parents in tears. You looked to your side and saw Gretchen, who was also crying. Your heart sank as you realised the severity of the situation. You knew you had to make things right and take responsibility for your actions.

"What happened?" You ask quietly, and your mum gasps and starts calling the doctor in, telling him that you finally woke up. They came rushing in; they were all surrounding you, and you began to feel overwhelmed.

"What's your name?" The nurse asks, and you look at her with a confused look. You see that she was being serious, so you sigh and say, "Y/N Wieners." The nurse nods, looking at her clipboard. "Great. What's your birthday?" They ask next, and you roll your eyes, "22nd of August 2005." You answer, and the nurse nods and leaves the room. The doctor comes to you and sighs, "Yeah, practically all you have is a broken foot; you got lucky; you would have injured your head if your bike wheel stopped any earlier or any later. later"

You gasped. You moved over but screamed out when you felt a jarring pain in your foot. Gretchen ran to the side of you, frowning to see that you were in deep pain, "Hey Y/n It's okay, I'm here." She calms you down.

The doctor quickly administers pain medication and reassures you that you will heal with time. Gretchen stays by your side, offering comfort and support as you begin the recovery process. The two of you start talking, mainly to distract you from everything. You randomly remember the conversation you had with Regina, so you decide to ask your sister something.

"Gretchen," you state. She looks into your eyes, silently asking you to continue what you were saying, " When I hurt myself, I was coming home from Regina's house." You say, her eyes go wide and she lets out a loud gasp, "Why where you at Regina house?" She asks, you  didn't know the reason, it had to be more than her having to tell you something, "She just wanted to tell me something." You answer, she leans in, wanting to know what that something was.

You sigh deeply, "She said, My girlfriend, Leighton was a lair." You say looking down, she frowns, "A Lair about what?" Gretchen asks, and you shake your head, "I don't know that part. But could you please figure it out for me, I know your good at these things." You plead, she giggles, shaking your head "I'll see what I can do," Gretchen responds with a smirk. "I'll get to the bottom of this mystery for you." She chuckles, and you give her a bright smile, but then she rolls her eyes, "First, you need to focus on getting better."

The door opens, and Leighton stands there, holding a stuffed teddy bear that was holding a heart, saying, "Get Well Soon." She frowns when she sees you, and you frown back. Gretchen and your parents quietly move away, giving the two of you some time alone. "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier, baby." She says it with a pout, giving you the bear. You smile, holding it close. She smiles back, finding you adorable. She pulls out her phone and takes a picture.

"Let's make a scrapbook of all the memories we'll create during your recovery," Leighton suggests, wrapping her arms around you. You feel grateful for her presence and the love she shows you during this difficult time, but your mind still can't help but think of what Regina said. You hope it was her trying to get under your skin.

You spent over an hour talking with Leighton; you didn't realise what the time was. The nurse walked in with a frown on her face and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you guys, but visiting hours are over." You frown, looking over at Leighton. She smiles, kissing your lips. "It's okay, baby; I'll see you tomorrow."

The nurse giggles, "You can come pick her up; I'm pretty sure you will be leaving tomorrow." The two of you share bright smiles, you wave good-bye, and you feel so empty when she leaves. You just want to go home. You curl up in bed and think about the wonderful time you spent with Leighton. The anticipation of seeing her again tomorrow fills you with warmth and happiness.

When you wake up, you gasp. Gretchen was standing there, staring into your eyes. You gasp, jumping back in shock. "Jesus Gretchen!" You yelled, and she giggled at your reaction. "You slept for so long. I have been waiting for hours." She says, You roll your eyes. There was a second of silence. Gretchen decided to break it by telling you something.

"So I did some research on Leighton." Gretchen says, You shoot up, almost forgetting about your broken foot. "And?" you ask. Gretchen looks into your eyes, then looks down, before saying. "She has been lying; she's actually in college and Her name isn't Leighton." Gretchen says, and you gasp, you can tell there is more to what she is saying, "And?"

Gretchen hesitates before saying, "She's had a girlfriend for 2 years."


Y/n going through shit

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