Chapter 14

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- Pretty Girls -

You smile at the pretty blonde girl. Turning away to drink your drink, she reaches for you to touch your shoulder. You turn to look at her, and you make eye contact for a few seconds before she speaks up. "You're really pretty, you know." Leighton whispers, putting strands of hair behind your ears . Your heart flutters at her words, and you feel a rush of excitement. "Thank you," you reply, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. Leighton's smile widens, and you can't help but feel a strong connection to her in that moment.

"So, what brings you here?" You ask, looking the girl in the eyes. "Well, my dad decided to pick up this job last month; I had to move schools in my senior year." Leighon says, taking another sip of her drink. You frown, feeling slightly bad. "I'm sorry," you say. She shakes her head and giggles. "You don't need to be sorry, pretty girl." You feel yourself blushing at her words again.

Leighton's casual personality puts you at ease, and you find yourself opening up to her without hesitation. You end up talking for hours, you forget everything that happened that night, and you pull out your phone. You gasp when you realise it was past 4 a.m., you get up, say goodbye to the girl, and you leave the place.

When you got home, all the events of the party started flooding back to you, and you remembered the pain you had and what Regina George did to you. Another part of you was also annoyed with yourself for not getting the girl's number; you really only knew one thing about her: that her name was Leighton Murray.

You toss and turn in bed, unable to shake the memories of the past creeping back into your mind. The pain of that night resurfaces, making you question everything you thought you had moved on from. The image of Regina George's malicious smile flashes in your mind, fueling your anger and frustration. You make a mental note to find Leighton Murray, to reach out, and perhaps to find solace in someone who understands. With determination in your heart, you drift off to sleep, hoping for a better tomorrow.

The next morning, you wake up quite late; it was deffenily past two in the afternoon. You open your eyes, and your heart drops when you hear Regina's voice from downstairs. What the fuck? Why would Gretchen invite her? You don't want to see her irritating face, so you climb out of your window.

You grab your helmet and hop on your bike, deciding to ride to the mall to clear your mind. The cool wind against your face helps alleviate some of the anger and frustration swirling within you. As you pedal through the familiar streets, you can feel the tension slowly melting away. The rhythmic motion of cycling helps you focus on the road ahead, pushing aside thoughts of Regina and Gretchen and the thought of the girl at the bar last night.

Arriving at the mall, you lock up your bike and take a deep breath as you enter the bustling shopping centre. The sound of chatter and laughter fills the air, distracting you from the negative thoughts that have been plaguing your mind. You wander through the stores, browsing aimlessly as you try to find some sense of peace.

After a while, you decide to stop at a café for a cup of coffee. Sitting alone at a table by the window, you watch people come and go, lost in your own thoughts. You order a chai latté and a caramel slice. As you sip your drink, you hear a voice calling out your name. You turn to where the voice was coming from, and you smile when you see Jennie.

She sits with you, giving you a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages!" She exclaims, You nod your head. "Yeah," you say, frowning slightly. Jennie frowns back, holding your hand. "Hey, you know I don't care that you are lesbian." She says this, rubbing your palm with her thumb. You nod your head, but the memory of what Bella did to you comes flooding back.

You start to talk for a while, and you try your hardest not to bring up what happened with you and Bella because you don't want to ruin their friendship, but she keeps asking why you aren't sitting with her and the others.

You look at her dead in the eye for a few seconds; you don't say a thing; it makes her scared, so she breaks eye contact, which makes you speak up. "I was seeing Janis, and it turns out she was cheating on me with Bella."

Jennie gasps; she puts a hand on your back, giving you comfort, but you were already over that. "I think Bella runs the North Shore memes account." Jennie nods, agreeing with you, but she is only doing that to make you happy. She shakes her head to break out of it and says, "Let's not jump to conclusions. Who knew you were lesbian before the whole post?" Jennie asked.

You sighed deeply and answered, "Bella, Gretchen, Janis, and Damien." You say, Jennie nods, writing it down. You giggle at her actions, but then speak up again, "Oh! Janis' mom knew to, but that's not important." Jennie cut you off by putting her finger on your lips. "Shush, all information is important."

The two of you talk for an hour, discussing all the needed information. "It's like we need the photos and the red string." You joked, and Jennie's eyes lit up. "Oh my god! Yes! Come home with me after school on Monday." She said, grabbing all her notes and standing up, "Jennie, I was joking!" You exclaimed, but she was already gone.

Monday came around quickly, and you sighed, knowing that you would have to face Regina. You put black jeans and a pink top on. You were about to ride your bike, but you got a text from Oliver saying he would pick you up.

He pulled up to the front of your house, and you could see the shock on his face. "Oh my god! Your house is massive!" You smile, getting in the car and giving him a hug.

"I haven't seen you in a while." He says you nod your head, you don't bring up the Instagram account the whole drive, and you talk about other things, like how you are excited for the school year to end when it literally just started.

He pulls up into school, and you two say goodbye to each other and head off to your home room. When you get to your home room, you put your face on the desk and hope this day will go fast, and you just hope you don't have to face Regina.

You hear the principles in a in a loud voice start to talk: "We have a new student joining us today." You didn't look up because you knew it was going to be someone boring. "Her name is Leighton Murray."

Your head shot up, and you made eye contact with her. Your heart started beating really fast when she started to smirk. She walked over and sat down next to you. "You're the pretty girl from the bar!"

You just nod, too flustered to even speak, which she finds adorable.

Regina George has a new viral, and she doesn't even know it yet.


Would you rather be write another chapter for massive deal today or update my Imagines?

Massive Deal; Regina George x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now