Downward spiral.

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I sat up the rest of that night. I didn't want to sleep that night... Or ever again for that matter. I knew that if I didn't sleep I wouldn't be haunted by these God damn nightmares.

I began to hear the footsteps and chatter of the other patients in the hallways.

I sat there silently. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to leave my room. I didn't want to see the Doctor again.

I sat there for what seemed like an hour before one of the morning nurses came to my door

"Jack." The nurse said loudly.

This was a different nurse than last night. I could tell by the hair color and the fact that this nurse was not very friendly. She stared at me tapping her finger on the.  Doorway.  Ignored her as I sat silently.

This nurse had dark red hair. She had hazel eyes that shined in the light. She wore grey scrubs.

Honestly she looked like a rocker chick that had a side job as a psyche ward nurse.

"You missed breakfast!" She continued to say loudly as I continued to sit there.. blankly.

I didn't want food. I just wanted to get the fuck out of this place.

"The doctor will see you now Jack" The nurse stated.

Her words cut deep into my soul.

In that moment I knew I would be marched down the hall again and sit in front of that fucking Doctor.

I didn't move a muscle as I continued to stare blankly at the wall.

"Jack." The nurse began. "The Dr is ready" She said sternly.

I rose to my feet and began to walk toward the door.

The nurse stopped me before I could exit the room. She held out a small cup and inside of that cup sat a cocktail of 3 pills. I began to feel sick as I realized what was about to happen. She was going to force me to take them.

I began to devise a plan in my mind I could simply take the pills from her and pretend to swallow them. And then walk out of the room holding them in my cheek until I could get through the session with the Dr.

I quickly saw the error in my plan as I saw that these weren't the kind of pills that you necessarily had to swallow, because they disolved in your saliva.

"I need you to take these Jack" The nurse began. "Then you'll see the Dr." She explained.

I quickly began to devise another plan.

I would take the pills, again pretending to swallow them. Where I would then walk out of the room.

After enough time where it wouldn't be suspicious I would then ask to use the bathroom. I would then run back to my bathroom and spit the pills into the toilet...


I took the pills from her hand calmly and dumped the pills into my mouth.

I proceeded to take the water cup she had also brought with her. I then drank the water still tucking the pills in my cheek.

She must have believed that I had taken them. Because the next thing I knew she urged me out of the room.

We began walking down the hallway silently about halfway there I spoke.

"I have to use the bathroom really quick" I blurted out as I crossed my legs to give the illusion that I was seconds away from pissing my pants.

She stared for a moment before speaking.

"Hurry up!" She snapped. "The Dr has been waiting and does have other paintets to see.' she explained.

I nodded as I bolted for my room and ran for the bathroom part of it. I quickly spit the cocktail of pills into the toilet quietly. And then flushed them down. 

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