Journal entry 2

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I saw the Dr today. I opted not to tell him about the man in the walls finding me here.

I really want to get out of this room, so I'm not alone with him anymore.

Everyday seems to get a little bit worse.

His base volume gets louder before it rapidly increases.

I have to get out of this room.

I figure that if I keep attending the visits and acting as if I am actually half ass normal, he may let me out of here and let me go back to my room.

It will take the man a day or so to figure out where the walls are in my room. Maybe I'd soon be able to sleep.

I can't remember the last time I got a full 8 hour sleep. I'm lucky to even get to sleep at all with his constant taunting.

Everytime I close my eyes, he only gets angrier.

He's been a lot meaner, and more aggressive lately.

He shouts at me almost every time I even make an attempt at sleep. As if he is trying to sleep deprive me.

I guess in his head, the longer I go without sleep, the more likely I am to snap again. Giving in to his wicked taunts.

I'm still maintaining my sanity. Despite his taunting. His commands are becoming more direct, and harder to ignore. 

He has begun to order me to force open the door.

I tell him I can't do this, but he just keeps telling me to get the door open.

Does he not think that if I could get that door open I would have done that the day he returned.

I would have ripped that door open, flew out of that room and never looked back.

That is until the asshole nurse calls upon her line backer security guards. Where I would then be sedated, and forced right back into the man in the wall's hands.

I know I can't escape.

All I can do is be play the game with the doctor, and hopefully, he will eventually let me out of this torture cell.

I can't even hear myself think anymore.

He calls me name every two seconds. I do my best to ignore him, but he is relentless.

He sounds like a song that was set to repeat, it's truly horrible.

Im thinking about just talking to him. It's better than sitting here slowly going mad trying to ignore him.

Maybe if I just entertain him he will start being nicer to me.

Maybe we could even be friends.

It sure would be nice for him to be with me. Rather than against me  we could sit here all night and just talk nonsense. This would make my sentence so much nicer.

What is now an endless world of torment. Could possibly become something great.

No longer would I be alone here.

I would have a friend. Maybe I could even get him to stop being so mean.

I could then get him out of the walls and we could hang out in person.

Yeah! I think I'll give it a try.

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