bloodbath part 1

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I'm sitting in this room, carefully waiting.

Tonight is the night. The night that everyone pays.

I can hear the nurse. She is ordering all of the patients to their rooms. This tells me that the time is drawing ever closer.

I can hear the sounds of the nurses chattering as they walk down the hall.

I just had to wait a little bit longer. Soon the other nurse would leave for the night.

Leaving the last remaining one all alone, and at my mercy.

I had the perfect plan in place. I had spent the entire day figuring out how to implement it.

All of the peicess were finally in place.

I waited for what seemed like an hour, before hearing one of the nurses come to my door.

She stared through the door slot at me. As I stood directly in front of the door.

"Go to sleep Jack" The nurse said through the other side of the door, before closing the slot and walking away.

Little did she know. Nobody was going to sleep that night.

I recognized the voice.

This was the rude nurse from a few days ago.

A part of me hoped that she was the nurse that would be staying for the night shift.

I didn't have anything against the cute blonde nurse that would periodically check on me in my cell.

But I hated this bitch!

She would always walk around this place, acting as though she were the gatekeeper of the mentally insane.

She was on a power trip, and I would love to cut her down.

Both metaphorically and physically.

I waited for her footsteps to fade before sitting down in the middle of the room. I sat there in silence for the next hour before I heard a sound that made me rise to my feet instantly.

I heard the chatter of both nurses before hearing the voice of the cute blonde nurse.

"I'm leaving doll." The nurse said happily. As she knew she was about to get out of this place, where she would go home and get a full night's rest.

I was kinda happy that she was leaving.

She is the one nurse that I didn't want to kill.

I honestly don't think I would have been able to do it at all.

She has been nice to me at least 70 percent of the time that I have been here.

I know I couldn't kill her. Her staying would have ruined the plan.

I can't go back now. I've made a promise to the man in the walls.

A promise, that I know I can't go back on.

I listened for a moment as I heard footsteps walking down the hallway.

I waited for a few minutes, long enough to hear the other nurse open the door and let her out, locking the door behind her.


I waited for about 20 minutes before I dropped to the floor and began to scream.

I shouted as if though the man in the walls had somehow escaped the wall and was stabbing me, ripping my organs out while I was still alive.

I shouted for several moments before hearing rapid footsteps coming towards the door.

My plan was going according to plan. 

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