Breaking point

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I'm sitting right next to my daughter and my wife's dead bodies.

I picked myself up off the ground. I stared down at the bodies. Feeling sickened I walked out of the kitchen. And began walking for the front door.

I have had enough of this.

No one else was going to die by my hands tonight.

I would go and turn myself in. Sparing my daughter's life.

Just as I had made my way to the front door

That fucking voice from behind the walls began talking again.

"What are you doing Jack?"

"She's still alive"

I felt my sadness turn to anger in that very moment.

"Go fuck yourself!" I shouted fist shaking in rage.

I wasn't going to give him what he wanted. I wasn't going to spill anymore blood tonight.

"You have to kill her Jack"

The man from the walls said loudly as I began to open the front door.

"No." I said loudly. "Nobody else is going to die!" I shouted.

I began walking out of the house but before I could get my foot all the way out the door, I heard his voice again and this time; it was more menacing than ever before.

"Either you kill her Jack... Or I will"

"I will make her suffer, she will feel every single second"

I felt my blood burning as he threatened my daughter's life.

His voice rattled my brain, making me feel sick.

"Fuck you!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs paying no regard for my daughter sleeping upstairs.

"I'm not killing anyone else!" I screamed out as I walked back inside.

"Kill her Jack"

"Kill her now!"

I ran back into the kitchen and picked the knife up off of the ground and gripped it tightly.

"If you touch my daughter I will fucking kill you!!" I screamed.

"Do you hear me!?" I proceeded to shout. "I will fucking kill you!!" I yelled as I gripped the knife even tighter.

"They all have to die Jack"

"All of them."

"Either you kill her or I will"

I stood in shock as I was once again being threatened by the man in the walls.

"You can kill her quick Jack"

"You can make it easy"

"I will torture her to her very last breath. I will make her experience heights of pain that she never knew were possible!"

I shook violently in rage as this man proceeded to threaten me, threaten my daughter. All while he was hiding behind the walls... Like a fucking coward!

"Come out and get me you fucking pussy" I shouted angrily at the man.

"Fucking show yourself!!" I demanded loudlly

My body continued to shake with rage as I screamed.

"If you want her!! You'll have to kill her yourself!!" I exclaimed.

It was quiet, for a moment. Just as I thought I had won this battle. The man spoke again. This time calmer and much less threatening.

"Very well"

The next thing I knew a tall black figure emerged from the wall like a phantom.

I was so terrified that I nearly dropped the knife.

I couldn't make out it's face. It was black like dark scary night. The figures body was a silloute of darkness. I panicked as I watched it head for the stairs.

"Wait!!!" I screamed in fear of what he might do to my daughter.

"I'll do it!!" I shouted frantically.

And just like that... He was gone. 

Knowing that I couldn't go back on my promise to the man in the walls; I grabbed the knife off of the floor and began to head up the stairs.

My heart was beating rapidly with every step I took. I knew what I had to do at that moment. I was terrified.

Once I reached the top of the stairs I began making my way to my daughter's room.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I opened her door to find her fast asleep.

Poor girl hadn't heard a thing. She had fallen asleep with her air pods in her ears, blocking out the sound of the murders. As well as the screams of her family. Who were now laying dead on the kitchen floor.

I approached my daughter slowly gripping the knife tightly.

My heart pounded like a drum in my chest as I made my way to the side of her bed.

"Quick and easy." I thought to myself.

Without wasting another second I slid the knife across  her throat slicing it open.

The cut created a flow of blood that gushed rapidly out of her throat.

I faced away after I made the cut. I couldn't look at her I simply began walking out of her room not even allowing her to see my face.

The sound of my daughter gurgling as blood continued to flow out of her throat haunted me as I exited the room.

I sat in the doorway until I heard her breathe her last breath, before dying in her bed.

I closed her door behind me as I cried.

My poor baby. My poor sweet girl!

I walked down the stairs and back into the kitchen where my wife and my other daughter were laying dead.

I felt a wave of fear and depression overtake me as I began to hear police sirens in the distance.

I I sat down on the floor. I began to rock back and forth as I cried

And waited for the police.

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