bloodbath part 2

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I entered the room of the next patient. He wasn't asleep and I knew exactly who he was.

It was the patient whose hearing I had completely destroyed. He was sitting at his desk drawing a picture

Poor mother fucker probably didn't even hear me enter the room.

How could he?

The crayons I had forced deep into his ear drums rendered him completely deaf.

He would never hear again. And after tonight, he will never breathe again.

I walked into the room, carefully closing his door. I gripped the knife tightly as I walked up to him.

I knew I could have been as loud as I wanted to. He would have never heard me.

Within seconds I walked up behind him. I felt the rage burning inside as I remembered.

He was the reason I ended up in that cell. Had he chosen to leave me alone. I would have never had to hurt him at all.

This made it so much easier to cover his mouth and slide the knife all the way across his throat.

I held him in place as he shook violently as he choked on his own blood. I held him until I felt him go limp.

I then dropped him on the floor. I proceeded to stab him in the face until he completely stopped moving.

Satisfied with my work, I pulled the knife from his skull. I then exited the room.

I was met at the door by a terrified elderly lady.

She had gotten up to see the nurse and had caught me walking out of the room. Knife in hand, and covered in blood.

She screamed loudly as I began to pursue her.

She wasn't hard to catch. I could have caught her if I walked.

Once i caught up with her I slammed her head into the wall. She fell to the ground and began shaking. I must have hit her a bit too hard.


Now she won't run anymore.

Without wasting a second I began viciously stabbing the woman in the chest. Blood gushed from the many stab wounds as I pulled the knife in and out of her body.

Her screams of pain and agony with every stab, give me an intense thrill.

A thrill that I can only compare to drugs.

I stabbed her at least 15 times before I was certain she was dead.

I then stood up and looked down the hallway to see that nobody else had gotten up.

I walked past the elderly ladies bloody body as I made my way back to the patient's rooms.

I opened the next door that I would have opened, had she not interrupted everything.

At least I saved myself a kill later.

Once inside the room I could see a tall blonde man in the room. He was fully awake and was staring at me from his bed.

His eyes widened as I shut the door behind me and began walking towards him.

"What the fuck dude?" The blonde man said in a sad, scared tone.

I stared at him emotionless, as I continued walking to his bed.

He jumped out of his bed and tried to run. I tripped him causing him to fall face first onto the floor.

I jumped on top of him, gripping the knife tightly.

"Please!" The blonde man sobbed as I stood over top of him.

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