journal entry 4

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You wouldn't fucking believe it!

I told the doctor about the man in the walls.

I told him that he found me here.

I told him that he was taunting me day and night.

I told him that he was ordering me to force the door open and hurt people.

I told him everything!

I asked him to move me to another room so I could have a few days peace from the torment.

And to no surprise to me, he didn't believe me at all.

The mother fucker ran on for the whole session.  about how I'm not coping with my trauma properly and a bunch of other stupid psychological terminology. Before upping my dose, and sending me back to my cell.

I'm still stuck here. With the man in the walls.

He knows that I tried to move rooms.

He knows that I told the doctor he was here with me.

He knows that I told the Dr about his commands.

He knows all of this and is very angry

His taunting has become intolerable.

Constant shouting, that sounds like he is yelling through a karaoke microphone connected to a subwoofer.

It's maddening.

I have been begging him to stop taunting me,

I told him I was willing to do anything to make him stop. He only continues to taunt me.

He reminds me of the people I killed and tells me the only way he will leave, is if I kill more people.

I would hear the word "kill them all" in my dreams if the mother fucker would even let me have any.

I haven't slept since the man in the walls returned.

It's been at least 4 days since I have actually slept.

I cant tell what is going on anymore. All I do now is curl up in a ball on the floor as I wait for a few seconds rest from his taunts

Mother fucker must have to use a lot of breath to do this from the other side of a wall for literal days.

I swear it's like he only lives to fuck with me and when I inevitably punch my ticket out of this endless hell I live with, he will off himself too as if he has served his purpose in life.

I've begged my nurses for a few minutes out of here.

WeThey all just ignore me.

The one who did answer my cries, only told me that I couldn't be trusted around the other patients right now.

She told me that I may hurt them.

I hate everyone here

The nurses.

The doctor.

The brain dead patients that are freely wandering the hall, all the while I'm am stuck here being harassed by this mother fucker

They know he is real!

I know they do

They are a part of his game. They are in this with him. They are all on a mission to break me

If they want a monster.

Than I'll give them one

I think it's time me and the man in the walls have a real conversation.

This one I have a feeling he is going to like

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