Journal entry 1

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I am sitting alone, in this dark, empty room.

At least I used to be alone. The man in the walls has somehow found me here.

I was told I would be safe from him here, but somehow he found me.

I'm trying to maintain my sanity and simply ignore him. But every time I try to occupy my mind with something else, he talks louder. He talks louder and louder until he is practically screaming at me

I'm writing my thoughts here, because I don't dare tell anyone about the man in the walls.

He's the reason I'm even here after all . Him and his god damned voice.

I ask him what he wants, but he toys with me. Never giving me an answer.

Just whispering my name, and saying that he found me.

I don't really need to ask him what he wants. Because I already know.

The man in the walls found me here at the hospital. So he can order me to kill again

I won't give him what he wants.

He will never break me!!

I have no idea how he even found me here.

He had to have been cities away, how was he able to get here so fast?

The real question is how in the hell did he manage to not only find me here at this hospital, that I myself am not even certain of the location. And then in case himself inside the walls.

Another good question would be how the fuck he managed to do this, without alerting anyone.

The nurse came back today. She asked me how I felt on the new medication?

She's being nice to me again. No doubt so she can gather more information for the good doctor.

I simply ignored her until she got the hint that I was definitely not in the mood to talk to her.

I wanted so badly to tell her about the man in the walls.

But knowing that she is Doctor's little informant. I knew that was not an option.

I'm simply going to sit here, draw pictures, and do my very best to ignore the man in the walls.

I'm stronger than him.

I know I am.

I allowed him to break me before. That isn't going to happen again.

I'll never kill for him.

But a part of me is afraid that if I don't comply, and do as he says. That he may break through the walls again. He will then slaughter all of those people, And I would be blamed for all of it.

I am supposed to see the Dr today. Maybe I should tell him. What is the worst he can do at this point.

I've already been placed on a hard antipsychotic injection, and had been placed in isolation.

I figure the worst he can do is up the dose, and tell me that I am crazy, and have made the whole thing up.

The fact that these people even believe for a second that I would slaughter my entire family, and then make up a sick story about a man in my walls taunting me, makes my blood burn.

I'm going to try to get some rest...

That is if he lets me

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