Journal entry 3

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Talking to the man in the walls turned out to be a horrible idea.

I really thought answering him would work, that I could make him happy by not ignoring him.

I really wish that I had just kept quiet.

I answered him when he called me and I ran the idea by him of us putting this ugliness behind us, and becoming friends.

The prick just kept saying my name, completely ignoring my offer. I kept offering him peace, he doesn't want it.

He never wanted peace. I don't know why I ever thought that he did.

He made me murder my entire fucking family! He taunted me for weeks until I finally snapped. I murdered my wife, and my daughters, and it was all because of him.

He has began chanting again. The same way he did back at home.

I sit here wondering to myself what is the deal with this man?

Who the fuck is he?

Why is he doing this?

What does he want with me?

I don't know what to do anymore. I want to tell the doctor about the man in the walls.

But I know he will never believe me.

All he ever does is tell me I'm crazy.

It's maddening to know that I am being tormented in this room, and I'm too terrified of punishment to cry out for help.

God forbid he give me yet another upping of my dose, or even a downgrade to an even shittier room. Probably placed in the basement of this hell hole.

At this point I think I would enjoy that. Anything is better than this endless torment at the hands of the man in the walls. 

He would have to try damn hard to find me in a basement. Hell the walls may even be so thick that I wouldn't be able to hear him even if he yelled.

The idea of telling the doctor is becoming more and more appealing

I just can't do this anymore.

Ignoring the nurses daily check in is becoming increasingly more difficult

I want to scream.

I want to cry in the nurses arms until I cry with enough conviction that they let me out of this room, tear the walls down and find this mother fucker.

She tells me that I'm supposed to see the doctor today.

I am really trying to act normal, but I'm slowly breaking.

I can't think, I can't sleep. The only break I get from the shouting is when the man in the walls has to stop for a few seconds, to recharge his vocal cords

Dude must have had a career in singing before he decided to take up hiding in walls, and driving people crazy.

I can hear the nurse coming. She is probably coming to take me to see the doctor.

For once I'm actually excited to see him. He holds the key to my escape. I know that maybe, just maybe if I tell him about the Man in the walls finding me here, and explain everything he is doing. He will believe me and let me out of here.

I think I may try today.

The Man Inside My Walls. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें