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I exited the room and made my way to the other rooms.

There were only two left.

Everyone else was dead. I had slaughtered every single one of them.

I walked down the hallway slowly as I knew the job was almost done. And headed for the next room.

I opened the door only to find that it was empty. Not empty in the sense that the patient had managed to escape, but there was never anyone here at all.

They must have been discharged that day.

They have no idea how lucky they were. If they were still here. They would have died by my hands.

Feeling deprived of my euphoria I slammed the door and walked to the other side of the hallway to the last remaining door.

And what I saw, actually made me feel something I hadn't since I began my slaughter.

I actually felt sad for this person.

The last remaining victim had taken their own life before I could get to them.

They had taken the sheet and wrapped it around their neck. While putting the pillowcase over their head.

They must have sat there choking themselves for minutes before they finally died.

I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. I didn't care. They were dead. They were no good to me either way.

They must have heard the killing and decided to do it themselves.

This infuriated me!

How dare this person kill themselves?

I was supposed to kill them.

I was supposed to take their life from them and instead I sit here.

Deprived of my high.

Knowing that this person was long dead I left the room closing the door behind me.

The hallway smelled of death. The bodies of the patients who had made it out of their rooms lined the walls. The walls had blood splatters on them, the floor had pools of blood everywhere.

It was truly a massacre.

I walked down the hall admiring the creativity of my kills. There was so much variety.

Nobody died in the same way.

I began to smile with every step I took. The smile soon turned into a chuckle, and that chuckle then turned to a laugh.

I laughed manically as I walked down the bloody mess of a hallway that used to be the psychiatric unit.

I made my way back to the nurses desk when suddenly, I got an idea.

The keys that I held had the key to that doctor's office. 

I could finally see what he was writing down about me.

He had only been writing every last detail, about every last visit I have had with him. No doubt he had some juicy stuff on there.

I had a lot of time to kill. I had looked at the clock and seen that it was only 3. I had hours before anyone would come in and find the bodies.

Might as well catch up on my reading.

I walked down the hall to the room that the Dr would always be in. I unlocked the door quickly and made my way inside.

I switched the lights on to see the brown desk sitting before me.

Luckily for me there was no dick head doctor sitting in the chair behind it.

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