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Jody's POV

The lady with the sandy blonde/brown curly maine with the dark roots, glossy smile and light skin noticed us at the supermarket.

Her name was Jalon, one of Dins exes.

She hugged him, which wasn't too much for my liking but I was letting it blow over as they began a conversation.

Din forgot that I was there as he was so engrossed in his conversation with her. Trying to catch up.

I had to give it to her, she was pretty. But every so often I would notice that she would glance at my ring whenever I would tuck my hair behind my head.

" Oh! You two are engaged?" Her voice more of a statement then a question.

" Yeah, that's my baby. Both of them." He said, mentioning our son who was inside of the cart.

Guessing she was so in toon with Din that she didn't even notice us behind him. You would think, when a person spots a kid with the person they are talking to that would be the first thing they would mention. She never mentioned Dylan.

Disappointment etched her face, but she replaced it with a smile.

" My boyfriend and I are thinking about going out this weekend. You two should join." Her voice was soft yet chirpy as she was almost bouncing on the tips of her toes in hopes of getting a yes from my man.

I nodded as Din who looked at me for an answer.

They said their goodbyes and not long after, Din noticed my silence.

" I know what you're thinking. It's a bad idea." He guessed correctly, turning the cart in the snack aisle.

" Not really a bad idea but...more of a she's trying to be nosy."

" She has a boyfriend, and we're just friends."

" Friends?" I asked, picking up a package of Twizzlers off the shelf. " Since when did an ex make their way on a friend list?"

" Since we broke up last year and we decided to stay cool. I guess she's in town cause she doesn't live here." Din shrugged.

I can trust Din, but I couldn't wrap my head around the woman with the big smile. Her cheeks were red, her eyes never left his, and she was a bit touchy. She wasn't over him.

She still wanted him.

" I don't want broccoli daddy." Dylan fussed.

The little guy really didn't want his veggies. He ate everything else but didn't want to eat the green stuff that was untouched on his plate. Din sighed, he tried everything he possibly could to get Dylan to eat, even told him he will get double dessert. He still said no.

Jody just watched from a distance.

The bond between father and son almost put together.

" The only thing I got for you is bed time-

" I'll take that!" Dylan scrambled out his chair, making a b line to his room.

" The airplane didn't work?" Jody asked.

" You scared me, I forgot you were back there. And naw, I swear I tried like- 10 things. He wouldn't budge."

" Wonder where he gets that from."

Jody cleaned around the kitchen as Din spoke, watching her butt move.

" I am no stubborn. "

" You are very stubborn Din. But it's OK, it's one of things I've always liked about you."

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