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*** One Week later***

" We finally match a face to a call. My name is Nancy I'm your Agent."

Jody has found herself more into her career.

Being a mom, a full time model and at home was overwhelming. Especially, when Din and herself wasn't on speaking terms.

She noticed that her engagement ring felt looser and looser everyday, but she managed to hang on to it because she still wanted that perfect life. She still wanted Din.

" These are our models. We meet every day except the weekends. Some are on diets but good thing for you you are a perfect size. Keep up what you're doing."

" Trust me, I eat just like any other person. But as of lately I have been fasting."

Jody has been telling herself that, but that was never the case. She just said fasting to make it look good. Everything was stressing her out to the point where she's only been eating once a day.

Dylan has been having nightmares, so her sleeping schedule sucks.

Din isn't talking to her, although he tries and Jody just shuts him out.

And now it was time for her to put her mind on work.

Lately, she's been going to the AMP house. Hoping that the boys would get her mind off things. But she was reminded she had a home to go to and Din was in that home.

" I want to extend the contract. So, we can be more in contact and get you bigger pay."

" Will it take alot of my time from home?"

" It may." Nancy shrugged with a look of disappointment.

" Right now. You're responding well to everything so we can try and keep you where you are now until you find proper child care."

" I'm getting married too."

" Congratulations! That's a big step in life. You're so young and I hope he's the one. Are you happy?"

Jody smiled.

It wasn't fake, nor was it happy.

It was mere satisfaction and she soon began to miss Din.

" It's still...fresh."

" Trust me, it's scary at first but, you will love it. It's also a business." Jody followed the woman through the small building.

" You're married?"

" My second marriage. The first was no good. But hopefully this one is better."

The place was quiet, professional and organized. Jody seemed to get a good vibe from it.

" Your portfolio looks amazing, Jody. How haven't you done this before?"

" I was traveling alot, I put it on hold and now I'm here."

" Well, I'm glad. We need you in person more now. Is that something you're looking for?"

" Can I bring my kids sometimes. He's a really good boy."

" I can try and let my boss know. She's a mother so she's pretty understanding. "

Jody felt a light tap on her shoulder.

A woman almost a replica of herself stood in her light and smiled.

" You must be Jody, I'm Janice one of the models. I can't get over how much you look like me."

Letters To Atlanta {Agent00 fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now