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" I'll do all the talking ok?"

Jody nodded as she saddled her four year old on her hip, marching behind Din towards his parents home.

It wasn't going to be an easy way to tell his family about Dylan, they knew this, but they had to get it over with and allow them to process how they deemed fit about the situation.

Jody hated confrontation. She didn't see it necessary in some situations because alot of times it could come off negative.

After a few knocks and murmering amongst one another the door came open. A man, almost a replica of Din showed up at the door. Just like Jody's dad did that one time.

" Why didnt you text me first. Your mother was about to open the door."

" Sorry dad, this is Jody, Jody this is my dad." Din introduced.

" Hi."

Mr. Muktar let them in, his eyes not leaving the toddler whose eyes were also focused on him.

Din directed Jody to the dining room area, with a large table and some chairs.
Nervous was an understatement, Jody wanted to leave.

" Ooouu what a cute baby."

A soft feminine voice came from around the corner. A small lighter brown woman came into the dining area already wanting Dylan.

" Din! You didn't tell me you were coming over and not with company." The woman said, obviously Dins mother.

" I jus- I-

" Who is this? She's beautiful."

Jody shook the woman's hand.

" I'm Jody and this is my son, Dylan."

" Nice to meet you."

The room felt awkward, everyone giving each other awkward looks and trying to see who talk first.

" Hi, Dylan." The woman cooed crouching to his level.

" Hi."

The softness of Dylans voice almost melted the woman's heart.

" Yall smell that? That's food. I didn't want you guys coming over to be greeted without food."

Dins eyes knitted together.

" You knew we were coming?"

" Yeah! Your daddy has a big mouth. I hear everything."

" Everything?" Jody asked nervously.

" I even heard the part where I have a grandchild. Now, I thought to myself there's no way my Din wouldn't tell me something about that unless he's just finding out. So, I'm guessing he's just finding out?"

There was a loud bang and then a yell from the kitchen. Their cover was blown and now the two younger people had egg on their faces, thinking they were going to spring the news on the woman without her knowing.

" I'm sorry ma." Din apologized.

" Communication would've been easier. Am I that hard to talk to?-

" Yes!" Both son and father spoke at the same time.

" How long were you going to keep this secret if I didn't know?"

Silenced enveloped the room.

" How long!" Her voiced raised just an octave to get someone to speak up.

Letters To Atlanta {Agent00 fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now