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There it goes. Judging by the noises coming from downstairs, Wonwoo already knows his dad has come back. And unfortunately, he isn't drunk.

Wonwoo lays restless on his bed for a long time, thinking about his lost diary and how he could try to find it. He'd go insane if he doesn't get it back. He tosses and turns on the bed for a long time, skimming through his day to recall where it could have gone. What's worse is that he gets to go to Pledis only for two days more, until it shuts down for the end-of-term break. He needs to find it within these two days, preferably tomorrow itself. After Saturday, he'd be alone for a month and a half, and if someone happens to have accidentally gotten their hands on his diary, Wonwoo knows he's fucked. He hates how unbelievably nosy and intrusive people could get, especially when it came to the private businesses of other people.

Not that he cares about Kim Mingyu's feelings, but he didn't think it was correct when other students put up all those posts about his episode that day. It's still considered meddling with sensitive topics about others -- something that makes Wonwoo want to rip all of their heads off.

If only Somi's batchmates hadn't up-played her small failure, and only if the news hadn't reached his parents as something exaggerated, she would still be here with Wonwoo, and he wouldn't be worrying about his lost diary. And thus Wonwoo's rage towards bothersome people who always seem to be a bit too invested in someone else's life still remains deeply rooted in his heart.

Gods, Wonwoo wouldn't ever forgive his parents for never hearing Somi out, which eventually made her seek a solution by committing suicide right inside the house. His parents hadn't even noticed until Wonwoo had desperately pointed out that Somi had been locked inside her room for quite some time.

Wonwoo feels too overwhelmed right now. He doesn't cry -- he thinks he's cried enough for the day. Seeing no other way to calm himself, Wonwoo gets up from his bed and reaches out to open a small drawer at the back of his desk. It's pretty unnoticeable, exactly why Wonwoo loves it so much. He produces a tiny key from the pocket of his jeans lying on the chair, and bends down to unlock the drawer.

When he does, the first thing he looks for is another set of keys inside it. He snags it and quietly tiptoes his way out of his room, making his way to the room at the very end of the hallway that's been locked for several years. Well, supposedly, since Wonwoo occasionally goes and spends some peaceful time in the room when his parents aren't in the house.

He unlocks the door, and enters the room frozen in time. It's exactly the way Wonwoo's always remembered it: pink and white sheets, a white desk below the window, her old books still strewn across on the desk and the windowsill, her closet door half-opened, and the disturbing hook on the ceiling from which a rope hung. The hook was meant for innocent things back then, since Somi had always loved huge dreamcatchers in her room, and she would hang either her handmade ones on it, or one of the few she found during summers at the local fair.

But there's no dreamcatcher right now, there are no dreams to be fulfilled, and there's no Somi in the house anymore. It's just a weak Wonwoo, still mourning his sister.

He silently sits on the edge of Somi's bed with his hands in his lap. He looks around the room, wanting to recall any happy memories he shared with her. He smiles sadly when he does remember one -- Wonwoo was quite small then, when he would insist Somi read him a bedtime story, and he ended up falling asleep next to her as she ran a hand through his hair while calmly reading him a story. She would eventually stop, pick Wonwoo up in her arms and lay him back in his own bed. And if Wonwoo happened to wake up right away, she would always stay beside him for some more time, lulling him back to sleep.

Wonwoo doesn't realise when his head starts drooping, but he instinctively curls himself into the dusty sheets and lays on the bed. He only realises he's inside Somi's room a while later, causing him to reluctantly get up and return to his room in fear of his parents. There's no way he could let himself fall asleep here.

The ride to Pledis is as lonely as it had been last evening. Wonwoo sits at the very back of the bus near the window, aimlessly scrolling through his phone. He just scrolls, he does nothing on it. His finger simply flicks across the screen as he zones out staring at it.

Wonwoo's determined to get his diary back today, at any cost. He won't be suffering the whole month and a half without it.

First thing that greets him when he enters Pledis is Mingyu. And the fucker's holding his diary.

Wonwoo snaps, looking at Mingyu so innocently holding out the diary. Without thinking much, like he usually does, Wonwoo lands a hard punch to Mingyu's nose, hearing a satisfying crunch and seeing blood pool near his nose, as his fist disconnects from the bastard's face. The diary falls to the ground, but Wonwoo needs to deal with Mingyu first.

"What the fuck were you doing with my diary?" His voice sounds particularly calm right now, as he grabs a confused-looking Mingyu by his collar. Wonwoo wonders why Mingyu doesn't retaliate.

Mingyu's about to speak, but just as he opens his mouth, he winces loudly. Wonwoo doesn't want to hear anything from him. "I honestly don't even care, I just have another reason to hate on you now." He spits, shoves Mingyu backwards and picks the diary fallen on the floor. "You're worse than I ever imagined, and that's saying a lot." Wonwoo snarls, and strides away before he did something even more disruptive.

"I fucking hate my life." Wonwoo admits to no one in particular.

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