Chapter 21

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Imogen and Seven flew relatively quickly through the streets of southeastern Skycross, heading back towards Josie's house. Along the way, Seven had been explaining more about herself to Imogen, who seemed both interested, and very much lost in thought.

"Prototype, huh?" Imogen asked. "That's cool! So there'll be more Nasrics created even after the serial numbers run out in 211?"

"Yeah... I think so. If everything goes well with the prototypes... and it does seem to be, from what I've heard from Izzy."

"Surely there are more of you, right? You can't be the only one, or Izzy would've probably kept you for research."

"There are more of us... I don't remember how many Layla said there were. But I'm not the only living one. I know there's been some after me... but I don't think Izzy is doing the whole research thing you just said."

"Have you met any of them at all? It sounds like you could do with someone just like you, to know how it's like."

Seven shook her head. "I don't remember seeing them from the first time I woke, and they apparently left to find their own paths in life right before Josie and Layla took me in. I missed my chance..."

"You didn't see them at all?"

Seven shook her head. "I could've when I was originally created, but no... I only survived for half a minute before my body gave out. I only saw Izzy and their own Nasric, Citrine." She recalled those few seconds she had. Izzy and Citrine had looked delighted that she had worked. Then Citrine had gestured towards her scanner, which was flashing red... and then it all went black. The next thing she actually saw was Josie... she still wasn't sure how long it had been between the two events.

"Huh." Imogen thought for a second. "So... where do you think they might be?"

"Pronio. They spotted Layla, which... well, they told Izzy, and Izzy told us. That's how we found out..."

"And what's Layla doing up there in the first place?"

"I think she ran away because she knew she wasn't supposed to take Josie out of the house without telling her mom... she did it to get me fixed. Addie and Azaleah are going to Pronio tonight to try and bring her back."

"And you're not going with them?" Imogen was confused. "Why not?"

"I do want to, but Josie's mom won't let her go. And if Josie can't go, I can't go either."

"Whose decision was that? Her decision, or yours?"

"Mine," Seven replied. "I'm barely comfortable leaving her at school alone, but I... I think I trust that Eden and Tiffany can keep her safe. I won't go to Pronio without her..."

"I see... you've been alive for basically one day, but you've already grown attached to Josie."

"Very... She brought me back to life. I owe her everything. Are you sure she'll be safe at school?"

"Positive. Keeping the kids safe is the school's job, after all. There hasn't been an incident at all this year!"

"Okay..." Seven gave a sigh of relief. "That makes me feel a lot better about this whole thing."

Imogen had an idea. "Why not just... go with Azaleah anyway? I think you should meet the other prototypes. Josie can sneak along with you... if you can get past your mom."

"Are you sure that's... a good idea? I don't want to make her angry..."

"Of course it is! You meeting the other prototypes, other Nasrics that I can imagine also break the typical design rules, can only be a good thing! It'll be great for you, and Josie a well!"

"But what if it's not safe? Aren't there rumours?"

"You'll have Azaleah. I've met her a few times, and I can tell she's protective. Put her between you and the danger, and you'll be fine!"

"But..." Seven sighed. "She made that exact proposal. Her mom shot it down."

"Hmph. I don't think she understands how important it is for you to meet the other prototypes."

Seven stared at the olive Nasric. "You're used to getting what you want, aren't you?"

Imogen nodded. "Pretty much. Eden comes from one of the richer families."

"Huh. Suppose I go along with this idea. What should I do?"

"Pack stuff for Josie while people are distracted. Help Azaleah do the same beforehand, so you know what Josie needs. I can't help you on that part."

"I guess that's logical..." Seven thought about it, and nodded. "I'll do it. I hope their mom doesn't get too mad."

"You need this, I think. You seem unsure of what's going on around you, and what you need is people more like you to help you be able to figure yourself out."

"What... what does any of that mean? I don't think I understand."

"Never mind. Anyway, we're already here. If you need anything from me after school, like preparing an escape route for Josie, just let me know, alright?"

"I'm still not sure about this... but okay."

"Cool. I hope that tonight, you take my advice. You really need this." Imogen flew away, presumably to wherever she and Eden lived.

Seven flew the remaining few metres to the house. She was definitely intrigued by the idea of sneaking to Pronio with Josie, but couldn't figure out what point Imogen was trying to make. It felt like there were a lot of assumptions made on her part, but in a way, Seven felt like they might be... mostly true. Perhaps she did need to meet the other prototypes, but on the other hand, she only considered herself to be one day old. Maybe she needed to adjust. Was all of this right? Was Imogen's idea what she needed?

As she approached the door, she made up her mind. But she needed to know what she had to work with first. Hopefully Azaleah wasn't already done with packing, otherwise it was going to be tricky.

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