Chapter 29

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"Addie! Are you ready?"

"Of course!" Addie flew downstairs towards Azaleah, excited for the trip. "Do you know what time the transport is supposed to arrive?"

"Not really, but if it's as late as people say, we should arrive at the stop with plenty of time to spare," Azaleah replied, putting on her hat.

"Packed everything? Clothes? Food? Crystals?" Wren asked.

"Everything." Azaleah picked up Layla's phone from the table, putting it in the outside pocket of the backpack she was holding. "I'll be fine."

"I'm just worried for your safety... You know what the rumours are like."

"It'll be okay," Addie reassured. "If I vouch for her, she won't get hurt."

"I hope so," Wren said, giving Azaleah a hug. "Please make sure Layla is safe, too."

"You know I will," Azaleah replied, returning the hug. Then, heading to the front door, she motioned for Addie to follow. Once outside, she and Addie started quickly heading for the transport stop in silence, arriving within half an hour thanks to the Skycross transport.

Azaleah looked at the timetable to check when the transport was supposed to arrive. "Let's see, yellow line... ah, perfect! It'll be here in an hour!"

"Nice!" Addie was confused. "Why do they only operate at night?"

"I don't know. Maybe Pronio is a nocturnal city... or maybe, if they're as anti-Trialian as the rumours say, maybe it's to deter us.."

"And Layla, I'd imagine... Why would Layla choose to go there?"

"Layla is..." Azaleah sighed. "She's unpredictable. I've never been able to understand how she thinks."

"I wish Seven had gone instead. Then I'd be much less inclined to care."

"You need to work on your attitude towards her, you know."

Addie groaned. "I know, but like... I'm used to being the one getting the attention. Why should I have to step aside for some scrapheap trash Josie brought in?"

"Don't call her that. She's part of the family now."

"Put it this way," Addie said. "Seven wakes up, needs help. Layla decides to somehow find Izzy's number to get her repaired, takes her there, and disappears. Next day, she's in Pronio."

"If it wasn't for her finding Izzy's number, we wouldn't know where she is," Azaleah shot back.

"And if it wasn't for Seven waking up, Layla probably wouldn't have left! I'll bet she left because she knew we'd be annoyed that she took Josie out without telling anyone!"

"I'm not arguing over this. Layla's disappearance is not Seven's fault!" Azaleah sat down on the bench nearby the sign. "If you have nothing else to talk about, we'll just wait in silence."

Addie was about to continue, but chose not to. The two of them waited until the sound of wheels rolling could be heard getting closer and closer.

"Is that the transport?" Addie asked.

"Could be," Azaleah replied, getting up.

Sure enough, a robot on wheels arrived, dragging a box on wheels behind them. "Three days in a row with passengers, I guess word is spreading about Pronio. And another Trialian..."

"Well, that answers any questions I had," Azaleah said. "Do we just get in the box?"

"Pretty much, yeah. Make yourselves comfortable, the journey is quite long. You can call me Yellow."

INTERWOVEN ADVENTURES | Circadian Earth: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now