Bearded Crew Member

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Bearded Crew Member: Pocahontas
Forgotten Disney Characters

The Bearded Crew Member is a minor character in the Disney movie, Pocahontas

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The Bearded Crew Member is a minor character in the Disney movie, Pocahontas. An English settler, and a colonist of the corrupt and greedy governor, Ratcliffe, the Bearded Crew Member does not have a large role to fulfill in the original movie, although he is mainly known for his former servitude to Ratcliffe, before his arrest to the authorities.

He joins Ratcliffe's expedition to Virginia. He believes he is going for an 'adventure of a lifetime' but Ratcliffe's intentions are far greater- he plans to use his men to find gold and riches.

Throughout his time on the land, the bearded man is often physically shaken and grabbed by Ratcliffe.When the crew turns on Ratcliffe, he is handcuffed, gagged and thrown into a lifeboat which the bearded man rows back to the ship.

I was going to choose Thomes' family but he needs to be remembered more.

rewrite out

Source: villainstournament.fandom Wiki

June-10-2020 Update: Updated and changed chapter with added information.

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