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Originally published in September-3-2015

May: Oz the Great and Powerful

Forgotten Disney Characters

May was Oscar's temporary magic assistant in Kansas and one of his several fleeting loves in the film.

Frank, Oscar's circus assistant, barges into Oscar's caravan as he puts the moves on his latest magician's assistant May. He produces a small wooden music box, which he claims once belonged to his great-grandmother, and gives it to May as a token of his love.

When the magic show begins, volunteers raise their hands, but none belong to May, Oz's assistant and ringer for the show. Oz finally calls May to the stage, much to the bewilderment of the crowd, and she takes the stage.

On stage Oz puts May into a deep sleep and causes her unconscious body to float in mid air. An irate voice shouts something from the back: "I see a wire!" Another voice joins in: "Yeah! I see two of 'em!" Bright lights are cast onto the stage, and sure enough, two very visible wires are seen suspending May's body from the ceiling "I want my money back you fraud!" Oz gestures to Frank, who tosses him a scimitar. Oz flicks the scimitar between his hands and then violently cuts the visible wires.... but May remains floating. The crowd gasps and Oz, for the finale, whips the silk sheet off of May's body, revealing empty air. The crowd applauds in unison.

After the show, outside, May watches as another brunette, close to her age, bursts out of a tent holding a music box identical to the one Oz gave her. She swiftly realizes that Oz used her.

After that, we never see her again! I wonder where she really is, ya know? My theory is that she'll become the old woman who's friends with Ann Gale.

Source: DisneyWiki

December-30-2020 Update: Updated and changed chapter with added information.

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