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Old Beggar Woman/Beautiful Enchantress: Beauty and the Beast

Forgotten Disney Character

Disguised as an elderly beggar woman, the Enchantress went to the castle of the Prince on a cold winter's night and she asked if she could stay overnight to be protected from the cold in exchange for a beautiful rose she was carrying

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Disguised as an elderly beggar woman, the Enchantress went to the castle of the Prince on a cold winter's night and she asked if she could stay overnight to be protected from the cold in exchange for a beautiful rose she was carrying.

The Prince, unimpressed by the beautiful gift and repulsed by her appearance, refused and shut the door in her face, despite her warning not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within

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The Prince, unimpressed by the beautiful gift and repulsed by her appearance, refused and shut the door in her face, despite her warning not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within. Then she knocked on the door again and this time she revealed her true form to the Prince. Seeing how powerful she was, the Prince sought her forgiveness, but the Enchantress put a curse on him: for his selfishness and cruelty, he would become a Beast until he learned to love another and earned her love in return.

She also cursed all the servants turning them into anthropomorphic objects, the castle became dark and lonely and the woods became infested with wolves

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She also cursed all the servants turning them into anthropomorphic objects, the castle became dark and lonely and the woods became infested with wolves. In addition, she also gave him a time limit that would enact upon his twenty-first year: After that period, the enchanted rose, which will have fully bloomed by then, will start losing petals, and if the last petal falls without the Beast getting love in return and experiencing love, he will be doomed to remain a beast for all eternity, and his staff, the palace, and the forest will likewise remain cursed.

Ten years later, her spell was broken by Belle, and the Beast learned the error of his ways thanks to the actions of the Enchantress.

Ten years later, her spell was broken by Belle, and the Beast learned the error of his ways thanks to the actions of the Enchantress

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The Encantress' name is Circe in Serena Valentino 'the beast within'.  Plus in Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas, The enchantress largely has the same role as in the original film, although with a few differences, specifically regarding the nature of the curse: First, the Enchantress had the spell be slow-acting, with all affected, or at least the servants, gradually changing further into their current forms. Second, the deadline for the blooming of the rose is omitted. Lastly, it stated that the reason the Enchantress cursed the entire inhabitants of the castle instead of just Beast was because of their acting as enablers of the prince's bad behavior.

She has a larger role in the 2017 remake.

She has a larger role in the 2017 remake

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5-23-16 Update: No longer forgotten

November-25-2019 Update: Updated and change chapter with added information.

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