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Elijah: Hocus Pocus
Forgotten Disney Characters

Thackary: Elijah! Elijah, has thou seen my sister, Emily?

Elijah: Nay, but look. (he points to the Sanderson cottage in the woods where smoke comes from the chimney.) They conjure.

(Thackary looks and sees Emily following Sarah into the woods.)

Thackary: Oh God, the woods! (he runs closer to the edge of the village) Emily!

Elijah: She's done for.

Thackary: (grabs Elijah by the shirt) Not yet! You wake my father! Summon the others! Go!!

Elijah is Thackery Binx friend and the one who told him where Emily was. Thackery's friend from 1693 who witnessed the conjures of the Sanderson sisters.

He is played by; Steve Voboril.

I believe that it was Elijah who told the story about Thackery and the cursed.

June-12-2020 Update: Updated and changed chapter with added information.

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