It Haunts Me

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I'm so sorry about this but there is a trigger warning on this so if you are sensitive to that sort of content please don't read (or read with cation). Love you guys, stay safe!

I woke up late.

Harry was already at work. In fact I've been asleep so long that he'll be back in a few hours.

I got up and went into the kitchen, picked up an apple and bit into it. I then looked at the books on the shelf I then realised there was a new one I put my apple core in the bin and picked it up.

I read the cover "The History Of Gryffindor and Slytherin" hmm I wonder why this is here maybe I'll read it someday.

I went to have a shower when I looked at myself in the mirror and all the horrific events from my last years at school came back to haunt me. I burst into tears and started looking around for my blade.

I haven't touched my blade since me and my boyfriend, Harry got together a few months after the war. But I needed it now more than I think I ever have.

I'm a monster.

I let death eaters in a school full of innocent children.

I got people killed.

My father is in Azkaban.

That's where I should be.

I hate myself for what I've done.

My actions could have killed Harry.

I don't know what I would have done if that happened.

I treated him like dirt for years and he saved my life-more than once.

I don't deserve to even be here let alone have him.

For each of these statements a red mark was drawn on a shaking Malfoy. Eventually he managed to cry himself to sleep, blade still in hand, his blood staining the floor.

Harry returned from his work soon after.

"Draco, baby I'm home."

No reply. He walked into the living room, then into the kitchen, the their bedroom, looking for his lover. He even tried his study, although he had no idea why Draco would go in there.

As he walked back into the living room, panicking slightly, when he saw the bathroom door open just a crack. He pushed the door open lightly.

"Draco.." Harry said softly.

And then he saw the Slytherin. A pool of the boys blood on the floor, tear stains down his cheeks, eyes closed. And in that moment Harry was terrified he'd lost him.

Harry sat down beside his boyfriend and wrapped his arm around the unconscious boy and felt a single tear roll down his cheek. The tear fell onto Draco's hand and the boys grey eyes slowly opened. And hugged his boyfriend back.

"Why are you crying, Scarhead?" Draco asked, smiling gently at his lover.

"I-I thought-t I-I-I'd Los-s-st y-you," he stuttered through tears, burying his head in the older boys shoulder.

"I didn't mean to scare you babe, I just fell asleep."

"B-but the blood?" Harry asked, worried.

"Oh.. yeah... I forgot about that..." Draco muttered. "I just still feel really bad about m-my part in t-the war."

"I should have went to Azkaban with my father."

"No no no no no no, baby you shouldn't have you were forced into becoming a death eater. And you feel bad about what you did most death eaters were proud, but you regret it which is why you aren't like them and why you don't belong in Azkaban." Harry whispered, reassuringly to the blond boy he lived so much.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Draco. Now let's get your arm cleaned up, babe." The dark haired boy said slowly standing up.


"And Harry?"

"Yeah Draco?"

"What's with the book on Gryffindor and Slytherin?"

Harry smirked. "It may or may not have a bit about us in it nearer the end where they prove that Slytherin's and Gryffindor's can get along pretty well."

"Oh so they're using us to prove something that doesn't even need proved in a book?" Malfoy laughed.


"I love you, Scarhead."

"I love you too, Ferret." Harry said pecking his boyfriend's lips.

Okay so this is really bad and I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy it! I'm really stuck for ideas so please comment if you have one.


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