It Hurts

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Why do I love him so much? It hurts.

It hurt when he turned down my friendship the second time we met.

It hurts every time he throws an insult at me.

And it hurt a lot to know he almost killed me.

I know he said he didn't mean it but it hurt-and not just physically either. It broke my heart a little knowing he tried to hurt me.

But it breaks a little more every time I see his pretty face.

And I hate it when I have to insult him to keep my reputation.

I've even tried to move on by dating Pansy but she's not him and I need him.

But I'll be okay. As long as he's happy, I'll pull through.


I thought he was attractive since we first met.

And I've loved him ever since. And it hurts.

I hate myself for turning down his friendship in first year I was just so nervous and I saw the looks Ron was giving him I didn't want to loose my new friend just because I found this other guy attractive. But I wish I had accepted.

It hurts a lot when he calls me names, taunts me and laugh at me.

I cried myself to sleep the night I almost killed him. I hated myself for so long, I hated the fact I hurt him.

It hurts me every time I see his face. His perfect face.

I've tried moving on and dating girls but it's not the same. None of them are as perfect as him.

But I'll be okay. As log as he's happy, I'll pull through.


But neither Harry nor Draco was happy as they wanted each other but believed the other hated them.

So neither of them could be happy, simply because the other wasn't.

Sorry this is really short but it's late and I felt like writing so this happened aha

Remember if you have a suggestion to comment it or message me!!


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