7 Minutes In Heaven

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Warning slight sexual content.

It was a somewhat quiet Saturday night and the eighth years were having a party of sorts.

Everyone was incredibly drunk and those who had not already passed out from the amount of alcohol they had consumed were sitting in a circle in the middle of the common room waiting on the next game to be announced.

A rather tipsy, yet surprisingly still very in control Hermione announced that the next game would be 7 minutes in heaven and explained the rules.

"And what if you refuse to go into the room with them?" Malfoy asks, slurring slightly as he was pretty drunk.

"Well I don't see why anyone would because you don't need to do anything at all other than be there with them for 7 minutes but.. run round Hogwarts naked seems fair enough if you refuse. Any more questions?" Hermione asked.

Everyone shook their heads and they began. Seamus went first and spun the bottle, it landed on Dean and they both walked in to the very cramped cupboard holding hands and smirking. With a few people shouting that there are condoms in there and to use them.

After seven minutes of them doing whatever they did in their with everyone listening, disgusted. They walked out grinning with their clothes slightly askew.

Then the person sitting next to Seamus-which happened to be Neville-spun the bottle. It landed on Lavender and they slowly walked into the cupboard. They started talking but after a minute it was very clear that they had started a make out session.

Once they were out it was Pansy's turn, she spun the bottle and it landed on Draco. Draco looked uncomfortable but didn't want to walk naked around Hogwarts so got up and walked into the cupboard with Pansy who looked thrilled.

Pansy tried to kiss Draco but he pushed her away.

"Draciepooes is everything okay?" She asked as if talking to a puppy.

"Yes now get off me." Draco snapped.

"But we're in here for 7 minutes and I thought.."

"I'm not doing anything more than maybe talking to you Pansy. I refuse to do anything else with you"

After a very uncomfortable 7 minutes they walked out and everyone probably assumed they made out of something just quietly.

It was Hermione's turn next and it landed on Ron. Ron's cheeks when the colour of his hair and the walked into the cupboard with some people wolf whistling as they walked into the cupboard. After 7 minutes they walked out both looking incredibly flushed.

Next was Harry's turn he spun the bottle and it landed on none other than Harry's longtime rival and crush, Draco Malfoy. The both got up quietly and went into the cupboard.

When they got there and closed the door they just looked at each other.

"I have I confession, Potter." Draco sneered.

"Well get on with it then, Malfoy." Harry snapped.

"I love you" the Slytherin whispered into Harry's ear then pulled back.

"I also have a confession, Malfoy." Harry said then leaned in so he could whisper in Draco's ear, "I love you too."

And with that Harry's lips were on Draco's. Their lips moved as if they were one and Harry slid his hand under Draco's shirt feeling the blonde boy's chest. Draco did the same to Harry.

They next second Harry was grinding into Draco as the bulges in their pant grew. They stopped for breath and Harry started undoing Draco's jeans then his own.

"Be quick about this Potter." Malfoy warned then put is mouth on Harry's neck kissing and sucking hoping to leave marks.

They resume their kiss as Harry starts rubbing their erections together, wanking them off. Harry's lips leave Draco's and fall to his neck where Harry begins biting and sucking, Draco lets out several moans and whimpers which only eggs on Harry.

Harry moves his hand quicker applying more pressure and soon after both boys climax which is when they hear a knock on the door.

"That's 7 minutes guys." Someone shouts.

Quickly Harry uses a spell to clean the mess and they do up their jeans and walk out holding hands both red in the face, breathing heavily and with love bites on their necks. Everyone just looks at them open-mouthed in shock and a few of the boys had um.. small problems, obviously due to the moaning.

"Um.. I think that's enough of that game don't you guys think?" Hermione coughed, awkwardly. Everyone agreed and left to go to bed.

"Hey, Potter, want to go for a second round?" Draco whispered seductively into the Gryffindor's ear.

"You're on, Malfoy." Harry challenged.

And with that they were running upstairs and into Harry's bed, earning alarmed looks from the other boys.

I don't know how good this is but um.. I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot as much as Harry and Draco did *wink wink* and please comment/vote because that would make me happier than drarry does (and that's very hard to do)

See you guys next time (btw I love all of you who have read this thank you so much it means a lot and I'm rambling but it makes me very happy okay thank you byee)


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