I want a one night stand just one more night with you //part 1//

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~Smut warning~

Draco POV

I can't believe this is the only job I can get. At least it's not in the wizarding world because that would be even worse. Imagine people I used to know coming in while I was working.. Ugh actually I'd rather not think about that.

Well if I'm going to have to do this I may as well own it.

Harry POV

I can't believe my friends convinced me to do this and are going to make me go through with it. At least it's a muggle bar so no one I know will be there.. That would be fun to explain.

Draco POV

This isn't that bad they let us where boxers to serve people, well they are incredibly tight and I may as well be naked but I am glad they are there. I wouldn't want to be grabbed by some stranger would I? 

And I actually quite like my show because all the attention is on me and I'm not even that bothered about what it is I'm doing anymore it comes scarily, naturally to me. Heck I've already had 'extra' jobs to do around here.


Time for my show again.

Just as I start to get to the good bit I notice someone walk in. A very good looking raven haired man, with bright green eyes.

Oh merlin.

It can't be. Why would Potter be here. Oh who am I kidding that can't be anyone else other than Potter. Fu.ck.

Well tonight just got interesting.

Harry POV

I walk into the club and notice there's already a show on great just what I need. Ugh I'm going to kill Ron when I get back.

I went over to the bar to get a drink because damn am I going to need one. As I wait on my drink I look around and somehow my eyes drift to the show happening but that was a big mistake as I recognised that blonde hair and small, pale frame. It can't be.

The man looked round and I saw his face.

Oh hell. It's him.

Draco Malfoy.

Now if Ron was seeing this he would probably laugh because a Malfoy was doing this for a living but me, well I've had a bit of a crush on him for a while now so this should be interesting...

My drink arrives and I take a sip then look back at the show.

I almost spat out my drink. Draco had his back to me with his ar.se cheeks on either side of a pole and he was slowly inching his boxers off. I felt my co.ck twitch.

I take another sip of my drink. By the time I've done that Draco has stripped himself of his boxers and is grinding his arse back against the pole.

Oh the things I could do to that ar.se. It's a lot nicer to look at than I imagined, so much better.

I can't believe I'm watching this but I can't tear my eyes away.

Draco POV

I am refusing to look in the direction of Potter. Curse him for coming to the one bar I work at. There are loads of them round here but he has to come into this one.

Okay maybe I kind of slightly hoped he would come here just a little bit but really?! Wait Potter is here this is a gay bar.. Is he gay? I mean why else would he be here but really? This idea I like. I mean I still have no chance but still.

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