How My Stage Fright Started!!!:O:O

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Ever since I knew I could sing I would sing to everyone. I would always received compliments as far as. Your so cute, shes so adorable, awwwww shes so young. Of course I would reply with a thank you. It was fun being around people who appreciated your talents as much as I you do.


One day when I was 6 My parents sister and I moved .

When I went to school there I realized I could act it was fun.
My parents were always busy so I really didn't have anyone to really sing to but my sister.

A few years later I decided to sing to my parents but I became very shy. I didn't know why but I was really nervous. I thought maybe itll go away since its been a few years since I performed in front of them. Although, I was sadly mistaken. I've been in the closet for so long I just let go of myself. The feeling just won't go away. I knew I coud but I just couldn't. People tell me if I wanna succeed I have to keep trying.I thought my dream will never be fulfilled for the fear I had of stage.

Just standing there talking to people I would be shy.

I was getting a little better with my stage fright but I still felt I couldn't do it. But that changed when a few years passed after we moved. I was going to the 10th grade. At the age of 15. Ready for a new start with my new talents. I could not only sing dance and act which was born with me. I could also play instruments. 1st trumpet, 2nd flute, 3rd the piano, 4th the guitar, and 5th violin and viola. It was really a surprise to me that I could learn different things in a short amount of time. I thank GOD for blessings with my beautiful talents/gifts. Its for a reason. For God everything is for a reason!!!!

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