#21 beautiful day

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I wake up to the sound of birds.
The room is kinda dim because the curtains but you could see clear.

I remember im cuddled up to luke I smile when I turn to face him hes so cute.

I just him this is not like the stories where he catches me staring at him and smiling.

Or getting up.

As much as I want to stay cuddled up with him I have to atleast brush my teeth.

It was kinda hard to get out of his arms hes protective even in his sleep.

I kinda yank his arms off me but he doesn't wake up.
I go and brush my teeth.
Then I change into comfortable home and to go out clothes just in case.

I go and cuddle up with him again. It is very easy for me to cuddle with him but hard to get out. I kiss his cheeks and he smiles in his sleep. That makes me smile. Then I can't help but fall back to sleep.

I wake up at the sound of a cars alarm and it was so annoying I got angry.

"If that car don't shut up!"
I yell whisper.

When it stops I smile.

Then a cold breeze takes place and I snuggle into him.

I hear a chuckle and feel his stomach move.

"Someones grumpy." His voice sounded so....... sexy like bruh.
Im falling into a deep hole for him.

"That car ruined my good sleep."

"Same. But you just made it all better."

"You so cheesy."

"And your not. Says the one who calls me luckey boo."

"But its a cute nickname."

He laughes and kisses my cheeks.

"Did you brush your teeth?"

"Yep when you went to go brush your teeth and you came back and fell asleep I brush my teeth."

Dang it this is like the stories.

I was about to say something but my phone started ringing.

Its 11:17am.

Its a three way call debby me and mom.

I excuse myself and I go into the living room.

"Good morning girls I have a business trip I have to take and its going to be for a few weeks to a month. So be good and take care of the housr while im gone. Ok?" Mom says.

"Ok." Debby and I say at the same time.

"Love you ma." I say.

"Love y'all too." She hangs up but debby doesn't.

"Adassa while moms gone I know your gonna be with him and I'm gonna be with you know who, so in a few weeks were gonna have movie night, and you better tell me everything and I'll tell you my story I might invite rose and lina." She says

"Okay...... ok will do."

"Have fun."

"You too... love ya." I say

"Love you too."

"Who were you talking to?"

There he was with no shirt and just basketball shorts. He then slides a t-shirt on.

"Um...... my mom and sister. My mom is on a business trip for about a month. So... yeah."

"This few week will be interesting then. What do you like to do days like these."

"Stay home and watch tv. And at night watch movies."

"We will do that but we are going out somewhere at 6:00pm."

I skip breakfast all the time so I ate lunch and we watched k.c undercover.

"Its 5:30 should I go get ready?"I ask.

"No you look fine like that."

Six o'clock came by fast and we were off on his motorcycle.

We came to a medow looking park place.

I saw some kids leaving. It was almost sunset.

"Adassa what makes you afraid is when your thinking about the people to much you gotta think about the song and not anyone. Think about what makes you relax okay."

"Try and sing now."

"You mean like right now, right now?"I ask and he nods his head.

I take a deep breath I think about what calms me down but I can't all the thing that happened in my life flashes back in my mind. Theres people gathering around as I sing a random song I made up I just love make up songs. Then when I looked at everyone I was getting a little stuck but when I looked at luke I smile and thought of him his hugs his kisses his gentle hands his calm voice. His laughes, him.

My sister and my friends. My mother and father my grandparents.

All my happy moment then I think of the words im saying and I can get into it I really wish I had my guitar.

The I stop singing everyone claps but im tuning them out and replay the song in my head.

"That was .... wow adassa."

"I just made up a new song I am so gonna write the words I remember down."

"I knew you would so I recorded it with your phone."

"Oh my gosh thank you."

"Thank you for everything what made me relaxed was thinking about you and everything else that made me happy in the past. The past really does help fir the future."

Luke drops me off home to go pick up more clothes and soap to bathe with. He goes to the store to buy some stuff.

When we get back to his house.
I make spaghetti and groundbeaf. It is my favorite food I love me some spaghetti.

We put a bunch of junk food in front of us and we watched movies.

I ended asleep.

Lukes pov

She looks so beautiful sleeping.

Today she did a great job singing to people even though she didn't expect it. It meant alot to me that I was her happiness and what made her calm down from stage fright. In two weeks Im planning on going somewhere special for her I cant wait.

It was getting late so I picked her up. I know she thinks shed heavy but she feels light to me.

When I lay her down on my bed she slightly open her eyes.

"Luke." She says in an angel voice.

"Yes baby."

"Today was a beautiful day."
I think back at our whole day it was beautiful.
"Yes it was."

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