#16 stuck!!

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Today I really didn't feel like going to school because I felt sick.

My head hurts. My thighs and legs were hurting from kicking so much.

If I stay home I have to have a reason why for my mother.

Once I stepped foot into the school I was going to pass out because I felt the day would be long.

"Everyone take out their perssion slips, and money for the trip." Our science teacher. Mr.Morgan said

Oh my gosh

Brah I forgot my permission slip to go to a museum. Well I don't care. We've been there earlier this year and to me museums are boring so.... Yeah.

Its $25. I have the money I think but I need my form signed.

Guess who's staying back.

I came into a classroom with no one in it.

I sat there for about two minutes until someone came into the classroom. I put my head down while I listened to music.

I heard a loud boom sound.

So I popped my head up to look.

"Oh my gosh what hap-, what are you doing?" I asked

"Someone shut the door on us and im trying to open it put it won't open." Luke said trying to push the door with his shoulders.

Oh my gosh my body is in pain and were locked up inside of here. No............. Can school get any worse. Then my phone showed no service and I had 23% left on my phone. So I powered it off.

"Great now my phone is going dead." I sighed.

I looked around the room for any signs of an exit. I could not find any.

I seen a counter clock on the wall.
Its 8:53am.

God please get us out of here soon.


It is now 10:37am. School is so boring. Guess who's enjoying theirselves.

Luke is playing music off his phone and dancing. He says its entertainment for me he doesn't want to see me bored. Its sweet but I zoned out a second after he started.

I spotted a vent looking thing that will probably fit me in there but luke Im not even gonna go there.

While he's enjoying himself I'm gonna get my bag and sweater. Thank God I forgot my bookbag. I was to much in pain to even realize I left it but I got my hand bag and sweater which has a few candies and snacks. Luke ate most of it. I still have some left,but I'm not gonna tell him that.

Its old so I punched it and the screws fell off. That hurt so much. Kicking would have been better,but I had enough of kicking.

I threw my stuff in there first then I squeezed myself into the little space I had.

"Ouch." I wispered as the old metal and dry paint scraped my back.

This tunnel seems like forever.

I look back and realize I only crawled about2 steps.

I could see a lityle light ahead.

I wonder where this leads to.

Soon I come up to 4 passage ways.

One I see books and the librarian. So thats the library.

The next one I see its the cafeteria.

The third one is a hallyway and the last one is outside.

I gotta remember where we are at so I can figure out which way is closer cafeteria is a big no. I am not embarrassing myself.
Nor the library. I do not want to go outside so I guess the hallyway it is.

I punch the vent thing open man these things are old.

I check to see if anyone is there. No one is there. Wait cameras.

Nope no cameras in this hallyway. I just realized this is the deserted hallway.

They call it the other side. People say there is killers out here and the light twitches alot.

Am I scared no-yes. You know what I don't care.I push my stuff out then I get out of the little tunnel.

Once I get out I grab my stuff I look for what direction I should go. I see a way to outside.

I open the door and im now I a woods area. I try to open the door but it would not allow me to open it.

Oh lordy please help me.

I walk very slowly. I don't have time for spotting little creatures nor big.

I find a door around the school.

Thank ya lord it is open it the back of the library.

It looks like no one is here.

I almost make it to the front door until I hear.

"Young lady."

" Yes ma'am."

"Can I help you?"

"No um... I was just leaving have a good day."

"Okay. You too...." she said in a cautious voice.

I speed walked out. Then I tried to remember where to go.

Okay first thing is first I was in science class and I went downstairs. Then I went through a hallway and a door on the right or I think left I don't.

I head to science then go through the familiar hallway then I see the door its not on the right nor the left its right in front of me. The door has no window and I try and open the door it doesn't work. "Ugh who the fuck puts a lock on the outside of a door."

I unlock the door from the outside. I then look around the class and there is no one. I guess its the wrong class but I'm 100 percent positive this is the room.

I was about to leave when I heard."Took you long enough."

I screamed because man he scared me.

"Excuse me for your information I got scrapes on my back from going into that little passage and I went into that forbidden side or whatever the fuck its called the I went outside I was locked outside in a woods looking place. I finally found the front of the school I went into the library almost got caught by a librarian and I came to unlock the door from the outside. While your behind was not helping at all just waiting for a prince charming. Well guess what princess I ain't no prince and im definitely not charming."
I say with no emotion at all.

"Who the fuck puts a lock outside of the room?" He asked

"Thats what I said."

"So you done ranting so I can take take you some place?"

"And where might those places be?" I ask

He just pulls me out of the school.

"Really a motorcycle this is so... like in the movies and stories."

I may be a boxer and fearless but I can't do risky stuff like that but whatever. At least he hid his bike in a camera free area.

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