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"Hey Debby!"I said as we walked to the bus stop.

"Hey Adassa!Soooo are you ready for 10th grade."

"Yeah I guess."

"Whats wrong Adassa?"

"Im gonna be the new one since everyone basically knows each other. Since 9th grade."

"Welll.... you'll get used to it Debby said in a cheerful tone.
Its not like people are gonna be looking at you like your an outsider."

"Okay if you say soooo..... Debby."

After we got off the bus we had 15minutes till the school open the doors for the children to bombard in.

I couldn't help but notice that people were staring at me. Like im crazy my GOSH I hate it when people dooo... that is annoying and gets me mad.


"Huh what is it Dassa?"

"Ummmm....... people are staring at me."

"Just relax and ignore them."

"Thats the problem Debbrah I cant you know it gets me angry."

Two minutes passed and I saw 2 girls walking up to us.

"Debbrah I haven't seen you in forever ",one of them said.

"For real",the other one said. They both seem like sisters because they look alike.

Debby rushed over to them and gave them a hug. "Guys its only been two months which felt like centuries."

"I want you guys to meet my baby sister Adassa."

"Debbrah im not a baby.
Well you are to me Adassa now come lets get to know each other."

"Hi Adassa im Rosalina. You can call me Lina."

"Hi Adassa im Rosetta, but you can call me Rose."

"Hi ladies nice to meet you."

"Nice too meet you too",they said at the same time.

"What grade are you in Adassa?
Rose asked. Im in the 10th grade.
Im also in the 10th grade. And Rosalina is my sister. Same grade as Debbrah 11th grade."

They are sisters I knew it.

"Cool. I said in almost a wisper.
I can show you to your classes if you want me too. Rose said.
Yessss please!!! I was scared to death. I thought I was gonna get lost in that Jungle. I said looking at the school which was huge.
Trust me hun you dont wanna cross the lion the king of the jungle. Your funny Rose. No im being serious the most popular bad guy in the school is Luke. The king of the school which you call jungle. I just said lion king of beast because I was trying to go along with you said. Oh thats funny though I said giggling."

After about 4 minutes. 7 minutes before the bell ring I saw someone insanely cute looking at me from the side.

"Guys why is that guy staring at me. They all turned to see Derek with a smirk on his face."

"And why in the world is he smiling."O.M.G!!!!its derek Lina said squealing ,In a wisper."

"Huba huba hes cute.I said in a shocked voice. Ain't no way in the world that a guy can be that cute my GOSH!! Debby said."

"Ladies I dont think y'all have to obsessed over the guy just say hes insanely cute and leave him be."

"Adassa honey i cant, I mean he got looks not only looks but talent. He can sing, dance , play piano, and he plays football and also basket ball. Lina said.
I think he can fight too. Debby chimed in."

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